The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1995

[F1Declarations and ordersN.I.

90B.(1) The Certification Officer may refuse to accept an application under Article 90A unless he is satisfied that the applicant has taken all reasonable steps to resolve the claim by the use of any internal complaints procedure of the union.

(2) If he accepts an application under Article 90A the Certification Officer—

(a)shall make such enquiries as he thinks fit,

(b)shall give the applicant and the union an opportunity to be heard,

(c)shall ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the application is determined within six months of being made,

(d)may make or refuse the declaration asked for, and

(e)shall, whether he makes or refuses the declaration, give reasons for his decision in writing.

(3) Where the Certification Officer makes a declaration he shall also, unless he considers that to do so would be inappropriate, make an enforcement order, that is, an order imposing on the union one or both of the following requirements—

(a)to take such steps to remedy the breach, or withdraw the threat of a breach, as may be specified in the order;

(b)to abstain from such acts as may be so specified with a view to securing that a breach or threat of the same or a similar kind does not occur in future.

(4) The Certification Officer shall in an order imposing any such requirement as is mentioned in paragraph (3)(a) specify the period within which the union is to comply with the requirement.

(5) Where the Certification Officer requests a person to furnish information to him in connection with enquiries made by him under this Article, he shall specify the date by which that information is to be furnished and, unless he considers that it would be inappropriate to do so, shall proceed with his determination of the application notwithstanding that the information has not been furnished to him by the specified date.

(6) A declaration made by the Certification Officer under this Article may be relied on as if it were a declaration made by the High Court.

(7) Where an enforcement order has been made, any person who is a member of the union and was a member at the time it was made is entitled to enforce obedience to the order as if he had made the application on which the order was made.

(8) An enforcement order made by the Certification Officer under this Article may be enforced in the same way as an order of the High Court.

(9) An order under Article 90A(2)(e) may provide that, in relation to an application under Article 90A with regard to a prescribed matter, the preceding provisions of this Article shall apply with such omissions or modifications as may be specified in the order; and a prescribed matter is such matter specified under Article 90A(2)(e) as is prescribed under this paragraph.]