Identification of children in need
Every authority shall take reasonable steps to identify the extent to which there are children in need within the authority's area.
Provision of information
Every authority shall publish information—
about services provided by the authority under Articles 18, 19, 21,F1 34C to 34E, 35A and 35B; and
where the authority considers it appropriate, about the provision by others (including, in particular, voluntary organisations) of services which the authority has power to provide under those Articles.
Every authority shall take such steps as are reasonably practicable to ensure that those who might benefit from the services receive the information relevant to them.
F2Children's services plans
Every Board shall, on or before 31st March 1999—
review the services provided within its area under Articles 18, 21, 23, 27,F3 34C to 34E, 35A and 35B; and
having regard to that review and the most recent reviews under Article 20, prepare and publish a plan for the provision of services under Part IV.
Every Board—
shall review at least once on or before 31st March 2000 and then at least once in each financial year thereafter, the plan prepared by it under sub-paragraph (1)(b) (as modified or last substituted under this sub-paragraph); and
may, having regard to that review and to the most recent reviews under Article 20, prepare and publish—
modifications (or, as the case may be, further modifications)to the plan reviewed; or
a plan in substitution for that plan.
In carrying out any review under this paragraph and in preparing any plan or modification to a plan, a Board shall consult—
every F4Health and Social Care trust the whole or any part of whose area lies within the Board's area;
every education and library board the whole or any part of whose area lies within the Board's area;
every district council the whole or any part of whose district lies within the Board's area;
such voluntary organisations as appear to the Board—
to represent the interests of persons who use or are likely to use services provided by the Board under Part IV; or
to provide services in the Board's area which, were they to be provided by the Board, might be categorised as services provided under that Part;
the Northern Ireland Housing Executive;
the Chief Constable;
the Probation Board for Northern Ireland;
such other persons as appear to the Board to be appropriate; and
such other persons as the Department may direct.
Every Board shall, within 28 days of receiving a written request from the Department, submit to it a copy of—
the plan prepared by the Board under sub-paragraph (1); or
where that plan has been modified or substituted, the plan as modified or last substituted.
Maintenance of register of disabled children
Every authority shall open and maintain a register of disabled children within the authority's area.
The register may be kept by means of a computer.
Assessment of children's needs
Where it appears to an authority that a child within the authority's area is in need, the authority may assess his needs for the purposes of this Order at the same time as any assessment of his needs is made under—
the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Northern Ireland) Act 1978F5;
the EducationF6 (Northern Ireland) Order 1996;
the Disabled Persons (Northern Ireland) Act 1989F7; or
any other statutory provision.
Prevention of neglect and abuse
Every authority shall take reasonable steps, through the provision of services under Part IV, to prevent children within the authority's area suffering ill-treatment or neglect.
Where an authority believes that a child who is at any time within the authority's area—
is likely to suffer harm; but
lives or proposes to live in the area of another authority,
the authority shall inform that other authority.
When informing that other authority the authority shall specify—
the harm that it believes the child is likely to suffer; and
(if it can) where the child lives or proposes to live.
Provision of accommodation for another person to protect child
it appears to an authority that a child who is living on particular premises is suffering, or is likely to suffer, ill-treatment at the hands of another person who is living on those premises; and
that other person proposes to move from the premises,
the authority may assist that other person to obtain alternative accommodation.
Assistance given under this paragraph may be in cash.
Paragraphs (7) to (9) of Article 18 shall apply in relation to assistance given under this paragraph as they apply in relation to assistance given under that Article.
Services for disabled children
Every authority shall provide services designed—
to minimise the effect on disabled children within the authority's area of their disabilities; and
to give such children the opportunity to lead lives which are as normal as possible.
Steps to reduce need for care proceedings, etc.
Every authority shall take reasonable steps designed—
to reduce the need to bring—
proceedings for care or supervision orders with respect to children within the authority's area;
criminal proceedings against such children;
any family or other proceedings with respect to such children which might lead to them being placed in the authority's care; or
proceedings under the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court with respect to children;
to encourage children within the authority's area not to commit criminal offences; and
to avoid the need for children within the authority's area to be placed in secure accommodation.
Provision for children living with their families
Every authority shall make such provision as the authority considers appropriate for the following services to be available with respect to children in need within the authority's area while they are living with their families—
advice, guidance and counselling;
occupational, social, cultural or recreational activities;
home help (which may include laundry facilities);
facilities for, or assistance with, travelling to and from home for the purpose of taking advantage of any other service provided under this Order or of any similar service;
assistance to enable the child concerned and his family to have a holiday.
Family centres
Every authority shall provide such family centres as the authority considers appropriate in relation to children within its area.
“Family centre” means a centre at which any of the persons mentioned in sub-paragraph (3) may—
attend for occupational, social, cultural or recreational activities;
attend for advice, guidance or counselling; or
be provided with accommodation while he is receiving advice, guidance or counselling.
The persons are—
a child;
his parents;
any person who is not a parent of his but who has parental responsibility for him;
any other person who is looking after him.
Maintenance of the family home
Every authority shall take such steps as are reasonably practicable, where any child within the authority's area who is in need and whom the authority is not looking after is living apart from his family—
to enable him to live with his family; or
to promote contact between him and his family,
if, in the opinion of the authority, it is necessary to do so in order to safeguard or promote his welfare.
Duty to consider racial groups to which children in need belong
Every authority shall, in making any arrangements—
for the provision of day care within the authority's area; or
designed to encourage persons to act as authority foster parents,
have regard to the different racial groups to which children within the authority's area who are in need belong.