Additional powers of the court

Selection of additional jurors18.


If, by reason of the non-attendance of jurors or of any challenge, there are insufficient jurors to form a jury, the court shall direct the Juries Officer to nominate, as often as necessary, twelve (in the case of the Crown Court) or seven (in the case of the High Court) other persons who are present or otherwise available to serve on the jury.


From the persons nominated in accordance with paragraph (1) there shall be selected by ballot and added to the jurors summoned in accordance with Article 8 a sufficient number of persons to make up a jury.


A ballot under paragraph (2) shall be conducted using numbers assigned to the nominated persons (and not by using their names).


Nothing in this Article shall prejudice the right of the Crown or any person to challenge the jurors selected under this Article.


The court shall proceed to the trial of the issue with the jurors summoned under Article 8, together with the talesmen, as if all the jurors had been summoned in accordance with that Article.