The Juries (Northern Ireland) Order 1996Introductory1Title and commencement2InterpretationQualification for jury service3Qualification for jury servicePreparation of Jurors Lists4Preparation of Jurors ListsEmpanelling of jurors5Selection of names6Form of panel7Inspection of panelSummoning of jurors8Summoning of jurors9Procedure for ascertaining attendance of jurors10Excusing of jurors11Discharge of jury summonsBalloting of jurors12Balloting of jurorsChallenges13Challenge to the panel14Challenges in civil cases15Challenges in criminal cases16Challenge for name not being on Jurors List17Restrictions on right of challengeAdditional powers of the court18Selection of additional jurors19Views20Separation and detention of jurors21Continuance of criminal trial on death or discharge of juror22Discharge in civil proceedings23Refreshment of jurors24Excusing of jurors from jury service at end of exceptionally exacting trialOffences25Failure to fill up and return form of return26Defaulting jurors26ARestriction on disclosure of juror information or anonymous elector information26BDisclosure of juror information or anonymous elector information: lawful authority26CInterpretation of Articles 26A and 26BMiscellaneous and supplementary27Juror's oath28Payments to be made in respect of jury service29Certain formal defects not to invalidate verdict or finding30Regulations31Coroners' juries32Amendments, repeals and savingSCHEDULESSCHEDULE 1PERSONS DISQUALIFIED FOR JURY SERVICE1Any person who has at any time been convicted by a court in the United...1AAny person who has at any time been convicted of an offence and had imposed...2Any person who at any time in the last ten years has in the United...3Any person who at any time in the last five years has, in the United...SCHEDULE 2PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR JURY SERVICEPersons concerned with the administration of justiceThe ForcesOther personsSCHEDULE 3PERSONS EXCUSABLE FROM JURY SERVICE AS OF RIGHTParliament Peers and peeresses entitled to receive writs of summons...ParliamentNorthern Ireland AssemblyScottish Parliament and Scottish ExecutiveEuropean ParliamentPublic officialsClergy, etc.ProfessionsPersons aged over 70 yearsSCHEDULE 4CORONERS JURIESPART IMODIFICATIONS OF PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDER1Any reference to a court includes a reference to a coroner or, as the context...2Any reference to a judge (with or without qualifying words) includes a reference to a...3Any reference to a jury includes a reference to a coroner's jury.4In Article 5(4) and (5) “the Divisional Jurors List” includes a part of that list.5Articles 10(7) and 11(3) shall apply to rules under section 36(1) of the Coroners Act...6In Article 24 “trial” includes inquest.PART IIAMENDMENTS OF CORONERS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 19591In section 18 (summoning of jurors)— (a) in subsection (1), for the words from “district...2In Section 31(2) (summoning of another jury where jury unable to agree), for the words...3In section 32(1) (power to arrange for removal of body to district of another coroner),...Schedule 5—RepealsStatutory Instruments1996 No. 1141 (N.I. 6)The Juries (Northern Ireland) Order 199624th April 1996 F1