The Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland

Salary and pension5


There shall be paid to the holder of the office of Ombudsman such salary as the Department may by order determine.


An order under paragraph (1) may provide for the salary determined by the order to be payable from such date, whether before or after the making of the order, as may be specified in the order.


The salary payable to a holder of the office of Ombudsman shall be abated by the amount of any pension payable to him in T respect of any public office in the United Kingdom or elsewhere to which he had previously been appointed or elected.


Schedule 1 shall have effect with respect to the pensions and other benefits to be paid to or in respect of persons who have held office as Ombudsman.


Any abatement under paragraph (3) shall be disregarded in computing the salary of any person for the purposes of any pension or other benefit payable by virtue of Schedule 1.


Except in so far as Schedule 1 otherwise provides, any salary, pension or other benefit payable under this Article shall be charged on and issued out of the Consolidated Fund.