Title and commencement1

This Order may be cited as the Appropriation (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 and shall come into operation forthwith.


The [1954 c. 33 (N.I.)] Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 1954 shall apply to Article 1 and the following provisions of this Order as it applies to a Measure of the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Issue of sums out of the Consolidated Fund for years ending 31st March 1996 and 19973


The Department of Finance and Personnel may issue out of the Consolidated Fund and apply towards making good the supply granted to Her Majesty for the service of the year ending on 31st March 1996 the sum of ninety-five million, nine hundred and sixty-one thousand pounds.


The Department of Finance and Personnel may issue out of the Consolidated Fund and apply towards making good the supply granted to Her Majesty for the service of the year ending on 31st March 1997 the sum of two thousand eight hundred and twenty-one million, two hundred and twenty-one thousand pounds.

Power for Department of Finance and Personnel to borrow4


Subject to paragraph (2), the Department of Finance and Personnel may borrow on the credit of the aforesaid sums, any sum or sums not exceeding in the whole one thousand four hundred and fifty-nine million pounds.


Any money so borrowed shall be repaid, with any interest due thereon, out of the Consolidated Fund at any date not later than 31st March 1997.

Appropriation of grants5


The sum granted by Article 3(l) out of the Consolidated Fund is appropriated for the several services and purposes expressed in Part I of the Schedule.


In addition to the sum granted by Article 3(l) out of the Consolidated Fund, the sums specified in the third column of Part I of the Schedule may be applied as appropriations in aid of the grants for the services in connection with which those sums are specified.


The sums already authorised to be appropriated in aid for the year ending on 31st March 1996 shall be decreased by the sums specified in the fourth column of Part I of the Schedule for the services in connection with which those sums are specified.


The sum granted by Article 3(2) out of the Consolidated Fund is appropriated for the several services and purposes expressed in Part II of the Schedule.

N. H. NichollsClerk of the Privy Council