Eligibility for employment as principal of grant-aided school
42.—(1) The Department may by regulations make provision as to the eligibility of persons to be employed as principals of grant-aided schools.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1), regulations under that paragraph may include provision requiring persons employed as principals, subject to such exceptions as may be provided for by or under the regulations, to have a qualification approved by the Department for the purposes of this Article.
(3) Regulations under this Article shall apply to every person who is appointed as principal of a grant-aided school on or after the date on which the regulations come into operation, unless he has held such an appointment before that date.
(4) In this Article—
(a)includes, in the case of a grammar school having a preparatory department, the teacher in charge of that department;
(b)does not include an acting principal;
“preparatory department” means that part of a grammar school in which primary education is provided.
Appointment of teachers
43.—(1) For Article 143 of the 1989 Order there shall be substituted—
“Employment of teachers by the Council
143.—(1) The Council may employ all such teachers as are required on the staff of Catholic maintained schools.
(2) The Council shall prepare, and may from time to time revise, a scheme providing for the procedures to be followed by—
(a)the Council;
(b)the diocesan education committee established under paragraph 3 of Schedule 8; and
(c)the Boards of Governors of Catholic maintained schools, in relation to the appointment of teachers under paragraph (1).
(3) Before preparing a scheme under paragraph (2), the Council shall consult the Board of Governors of every Catholic maintained school.
(4) A scheme under paragraph (2) shall—
(a)require the Council to appoint a panel of assessors in relation to each diocesan education committee; and
(b)make provision for members of that panel to give advice and assistance to the diocesan education committee or the Board of Governors of a Catholic maintained school in relation to any functions of that committee or Board under the scheme.
(5) It shall be the duty of the bodies mentioned in paragraph (2) to give effect to a scheme for the time being in force under that paragraph.”.
(2) For Article 153 of the 1989 Order there shall be substituted—
“Appointment of teachers by a board
153.—(1) Each board shall prepare, and may from time to time revise, a scheme providing for the procedures to be followed in relation to the appointment by the board of—
(a)teachers to posts in controlled schools; and
(b)peripatetic teachers.
(2) A scheme under paragraph (1) may provide for any specified functions of the board under the scheme to be performed by the teaching appointments committee of the board on behalf of, and in the name of, the board.
(3) Before preparing a scheme under paragraph (1), a board shall consult the Board of Governors of every controlled school managed by the board.
(4) It shall be the duty of the board to give effect to a scheme for the time being in force under paragraph (1).”.
(3) Article 69(8) of the 1986 Order (terms and conditions of employment of certain teachers to be set out in an agreement in a form approved by the Department) shall cease to have effect.