The Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 2003

Restriction on grants for works already begun
This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

60.—(1) Subject as follows, the Executive shall not approve an application for a grant if the relevant works have been begun before the application is approved.

(2) Where the relevant works have been begun but have not been completed, the Executive may approve the application for a grant if it is satisfied that there were good reasons for beginning the works before the application was approved.

(3) Where the Executive decides to approve an application in accordance with paragraph (2), it may, with the consent of the applicant, treat the application as varied so that the relevant works do not include any that are completed.

But in determining for the purposes of the application the physical condition of the dwelling, common parts or house or other building concerned, the Executive shall consider the condition of the premises at the date of the application.

(4) Subject as follows, the Executive shall not approve an application for a grant if the relevant works have been completed.

(5) Nothing in this Article applies to an application for a grant in respect of works necessary—

(a)to render a dwelling fit for human habitation or to comply with a notice under Article 41 of the Order of 1981 (repair notices), or

(b)to enable a house in multiple occupation to meet one or more of the requirements in Article 80(2) of the Order of 1992 (fitness for the number of occupants) or to comply with a notice under that Article.

(6) If the Executive considers that the relevant works include works in addition to those necessary for the purposes mentioned in paragraph (5)(a) or (b), the Executive shall treat the application as an application to which this Article applies so far as it relates to those additional works.