The Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 2005PART IINTRODUCTORY1Title and commencement2InterpretationPART IIDEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS3Formalities for deeds executed by individuals4Execution of instruments by liquidator5Execution of instrument by donee of power of attorney6Delivery of deed by agent7Escrows8Abolition of rule in Pigot's Case9Abolition of rule in Bain v. FothergillPART IIIFAMILY HOMES AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE10Interpretation of Part III11Amendment of definition of “relative”12“Cohabitees” to include same-sex couples13Non-molestation orders14Ex parte orders15OffencesPART IVEQUAL TREATMENT OF SPOUSES, ETC.16Abolition of presumption of advancement17Abolition of common law duty to maintain18Housekeeping allowancePART VMISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS AND REPEALS19Repeal of the Colonial Solicitors Act 190020Repeal of the Trading Stamps Act (Northern Ireland) 196521Amendment of legislation to make provision for trading stamps22Amendment of the Census Act (Northern Ireland) 196923Amendment of the Damages Act 1996Article 24— Repeals SCHEDULESSchedule 1— AmendmentsSchedule 2—RepealsStatutory Instruments2005 No. 1452 (N.I. 7)The Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 20057th June 2005