The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2006

Power to sell materials deriving from works
This section has no associated Explanatory Memorandum

250.—(1) A relevant undertaker may sell any materials which—

(a)have been removed by that undertaker from any premises, including any street, when carrying out works under, or otherwise carrying into effect any provision of this Order; and

(b)are not before the end of 3 days from the date of their removal claimed by the owner and taken away by him.

(2) Where a relevant undertaker sells any materials under this Article, it shall pay the proceeds to the person to whom the materials belonged after deducting the amount of any expenses incurred by the undertaker.

(3) This Article—

(a)does not apply to refuse removed by a relevant undertaker; and

(b)is not to be taken as prejudicing the determination of the rights and liabilities of a relevant undertaker when exercising a power in any case to which the preceding provisions of this Article do not apply.