Examination of and report on lands
4.—(1) In partition suits the judge may employ a surveyor or other person to examine the lands sought to be partitioned, and to report in writing to the judge, by a day to be named, the manner in which, according to the opinion of such surveyor or other person, the lands should be partitioned, and the report shall be accompanied by a map showing the boundaries of the lands proposed to be partitioned.
(2) The surveyor or other person appointed shall be remunerated by the parties to the suit or such of them as the judge may direct.
(3) The report of the surveyor or other person appointed under paragraph (1), together with said map, shall be lodged by him in the Office at least fifteen days before the day named for making the report to the judge.
(4) The report and map when lodged in the Office shall be open to the inspection of all parties to the suit without payment of any fee.