Fire Certificates (Special Premises) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1991


1.  Any premises at which are carried on any manufacturing processes in which the total quantity of any highly flammable liquid under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure and above its boiling point at atmospheric pressure may exceed 50 tonnes.

2.  Any premises at which is carried on the manufacture of expanded cellular plastics and at which the quantities manufactured are normally of, or in excess of, 50 tonnes per week.

3.  Any premises at which there is stored, or there are facilities provided for the storage of, liquefied petroleum gas in quantities of, or in excess of, 100 tonnes except where the liquefied petroleum gas is kept for use at the premises either as a fuel, or for the production of an atmosphere for the heat-treatment of metals.

4.  Any premises at which there is stored, or there are facilities provided for the storage of, liquefied natural gas in quantities of, or in excess of, 100 tonnes except where the liquefied natural gas is kept solely for use at the premises as a fuel.

5.  Any premises at which there is stored, or there are facilities provided for the storage of, any liquefied flammable gas consisting predominantly of methyl acetylene in quantities of, or in excess of. 100 tonnes except where the liquefied flammable gas is kept solely for use at the premises as a fuel.

6.  Any premises at which oxygen is manufactured and at which there are stored, or there are facilities provided for the storage of, quantities of liquid oxygen of. or in excess of, 135 tonnes.

7.  Any premises at which there are stored, or there are facilities provided for the storage of, quantities of chlorine of, or in excess of, 50 tonnes except when the chlorine is kept solely for the purpose of water purification.

8.  Any premises at which artificial fertilizers are manufactured and at which there are stored, or there are facilities provided for the storage of, quantities of ammonia of, or in excess of, 250 tonnes.

9.  Any premises at which there are in process, manufacture, use or storage at any one time, or there are facilities provided for such processing, manufacture, use or storage of, quantities of any of the materials listed below in, or in excess of, the quantities specified—

Phosgene5 tonnes
Ethylene oxide20 tonnes
Carbon disulphide50 tonnes
Acrylonitrile50 tonnes
Hydrogen cyanide50 tonnes
Ethylene100 tonnes
Propylene100 tonnes
Any highly flammable liquid not otherwise specified4,000 tonnes

10.  Any building on the surface at any mine within the meaning of the Mines Act (Northern Ireland) 1969(1).

11.  Any premises in which there is comprised—

(a)any undertaking on a site for which a licence is required in accordance with section 1 of the Nuclear Installations Act 1965(2) or for which a permit is required in accordance with section 2 of that Act; or

(b)any undertaking which would, except for the fact that it is carried on by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, or by, or on behalf of, the Crown, be required to have a licence or permit m accordance with the provisions mentioned in sub-paragraph (a).

12.  Any premises containing any machine or apparatus in which charged particles can be accelerated by the equivalent of a voltage of not less than 50 megavolts except where the premises are used as a hospital.

13.  Premises to which regulation 26 of the Ionising Radiations Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1985(3) applies.

14.  Any building, or part of a building. which either—

(a)is constructed for temporary occupation for the purposes of building operations or works of engineering construction; or

(b)is in existence at the first commencement there of any further such operations or works

and which is used for any process or work ancillary to any such operations or works.