Regulations 2(1). 18 to 21

Form of hazard warning panels


Each hazard warning panel shall be In the form and colour of the following diagram—



Any reference in paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 7 to a space number is a reference to the space so numbered in the diagram in paragraph 1.

Information about single loads


The following information shall be shown on each hazard warning panel where the road tanker or tank container is being used to carry a single load and the dangerous substance carried is listed in Column 1 of Part 1 of the approved list—


in space (1), the emergency action code for the substance;


in space (2)—


the substance identification number for the substance, and


(if desired) the name of the substance given in Column 2 of Part 1 or its trade name;


in space (3), the sign shown in Column 3 of Part I of Schedule 1 which adjoins such description set out in Column 2 of that Part as corresponds with the classification of the substance (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part III of Schedule 1); except that, until 6th July 1993, in the case of a dangerous substance whose classification is “other dangerous substance”, the sign shown in Part II of Schedule 1 may be used (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part IV of Schedule 1);


in space (4), the telephone number or the text specified in paragraph 7, in either case indicating where specialist advice can be obtained at all times when the substance is being carried; and


in space (5) (if desired), the name of the manufacturer or owner of the substance or his house symbol, or both; otherwise the space shall be left blank.


Subject to regulation 4(2), the following information shall be shown on each hazard warning panel where the road tanker or tank container is being used to carry a single load and the dangerous substance carried is not listed in Column 1 of Part I (If the approved list—


in space (1), no information:


in space (2)—


an internationally-recognised chemical name for the substance, its accepted common name or its trade name, and


(where the classification of the substance is “other dangerous substance”) the words “hot liquid” where the substance is being carried at a temperature in excess of 100°C and the words “above FP” where the substance is being carried at a temperature in excess of its flash point;


in space (3), the sign shown in Column 3 of Part I of Schedule I which adjoins the classification of the substance (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part III of Schedule 1); except that, until 6th July 1993, in the case of a dangerous substance whose classification is “other dangerous substance”, the hazard warning sign shown in Part 11 of Schedule 1 may be used (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part IV of Schedule 1);


in space (4), the telephone number or the text specified in paragraph 7, in either case indicating where specialist advice can be obtained at all times when the substance is being carried; and


in space (5) (if desired), the name of the manufacturer or owner of the substance or his house symbol, or both; otherwise the space shall be left blank.

Information about multi-loads5


Subject to sub-paragraph (2), the following information shall be shown on each hazard warning panel where the road tanker or tank container is being used to carry a multi-load—


in space (1)—


if the emergency action codes of all the dangerous substances being carried are specified in Part 1 of the approved list, the multi-load emergency action code ascertained in accordance with Part IIB of that list, or


if the emergency action codes of the dangerous substances being carried are not all specified in Part I of the approved list, no information;


in space (2), the words “multi-load”;


in space (3)—


(where all the dangerous substances being carried bear the same classification) the sign shown in Column 3 of Part I of Schedule I which adjoins the description of the classification concerned which is set out in Column 2 of that Part (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part II of Schedule 1); except that where all the dangerous substances being carried bear the classification “other dangerous substance” the sign shown in Part II of Schedule 1 may be used (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part IV of Schedule l), or


(where not all the dangerous substances being carried bear the same classification) the sign shown in Part II of Schedule 1 (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part IV of Schedule 1):


in space (4), the telephone number or the text specified in paragraph 7, in either case indicating where specialist advice can be obtained at all times when the substances are being carried; and


in space (5) (if desired), where there is a single manufacturer or owner of a multi-load, his name or his house symbol, or both; otherwise the space shall be left blank.


Sub-paragraph (1) shall not apply to a multi-load treated as a single load in accordance with the note to Part I of the approved list if the hazard warning panels required to be displayed by these Regulations on the road tanker or tank container in which the multi-load is carried are marked with the emergency action code, classification and appropriate substance identification number specified in that note.

Specifications for hazard warning panels6


The specifications for hazard warning panels shall be those set out in the diagrams below with dimensions in millimetres; larger measurements may be used, but in that case they shall be kept in the same proportions to each other except that the lettering and figures may remain as shown in the diagram, or be of intermediate size.

  • For single loads—

  • Image_r00015

  • For multi-loads—

  • Image_r00016


Where in Column 3 of Part I of the approved list a letter is shown as a white letter on black background it shall be displayed as an orange letter on a black rectangle having a height and width of 10mm greater than the height and width of the letter respectively.

Text permitted in space (4)7

The text referred to in paragraphs 3(d), 4((f), and S(I)(d) (which may be shown in space (4) instead of a telephone number and which must indicate where specialist advice can be obtained) is either “consult local depot” or “contact local depot”, but only if—


the name of the operator is clearly identifiable from the marking of the vehicle or tank container; and


the operator has notified in writing the divisional commander of every division of the fire brigade in which the vehicle will be used for the carriage of a dangerous substance of the address and telephone number of that local depot, and each such divisional commander has indicated in writing that he is satisfied with the arrangements made.

Form of labels


In the case of a road tanker or tank container used to carry a multi-load, the label to be attached to each tank or compartment in accordance with regulation 20 shall be in the form and colour of the following diagram, except that, where all the dangerous substances being carried bear the same classification, space (2) may be omitted.



Any reference to a space number in paragraphs 8 and 10 is a reference to the space so numbered in the diagram in paragraph 8.

Information to be shown on labels10

The following information shall be shown on each label—


if the substance is listed in Column 1 of Part I of the approved list—


in space (1), the substance identification number for that substance and (if desired) the name of the substance given in the said Column 1 or its trade name, and


in space (2), the sign shown in Column 3 of Part I of Schedule 1 which adjoins such description set out in Column 2 of that Part as corresponds with the classification of the substance (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part Ill of Schedule 1); except that, until 1st January 1993, in the case of a dangerous substance whose classification is “other dangerous substance”, the sign shown in Part II of Schedule 1 may be used (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part IV of Schedule 1);


if the substance is not listed in Column 1 of Part I of the approved list—


in space (1), an internationally-recognised chemical name for it, its accepted common name or its trade name; and the words “hot liquid” where the substance is being carried at a temperature in excess of 100°C, and the words “above FP” where the substance is being carried above its flash point, and


in space (2), the sign shown in Column 3 of Part I of Schedule 1 which adjoins the classification of the substance (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part Ill of Schedule 1); except that, until 1st January 1993, in the case of a dangerous substance whose classification is “other dangerous substance”, the sign shown in Part II of Schedule 1 may be used (the sign to comply with the specifications contained in Part IV of Schedule 1); and


where all the substances being carried bear the same classification, space (2) (if included in the label) may be left blank.

Specifications for labels11

The specifications for labels are set out below with the dimensions in millimetres; larger measurements may be used but in that case they shall be kept in the same proportions to each other except that the lettering and figures may remain as shown in the diagram or be of intermediate size.


Colour of hazard warning panel and labels12

Where in this Schedule parts of hazard warning panels and labels are shown as coloured orange that colour shall so far as is practicable match the colour No. 557 Light Orange identified in Table 1 to the British Standard BS381C:1988.