3.Descriptions of animals prescribed for the purpose of the definition of feeding stuff
5.Matters required and permitted to be contained in a statutory statement or otherwise declared
7.Time by which a statutory statement relating to certain material must be given.
11.Manner of packaging and sealing compound feeding stuffs, additives and premixtures
14.Control of feeding stuffs and ingredients containing undesirable substances
18.Control of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid in compound feeding stuffs
19.Modification of the Agriculture Act 1970 in relation to all feeding stuffs
20.Modification of the Agriculture Act 1970 in relation to imported feeding stuffs
8.In the case of any compound feeding stuff the following...
14.In the case of any compound feeding stuff the following...
15.In the case of a complementary feeding stuff which contains...
16.In the particulars required or permitted to be set out...
19.(1) Subject to subparagraph (2), information may be provided in...
1.In this Schedule “material” means “material intended for use as...
2.No material shall contain any added antioxidant other than one...
3.No material shall contain— (a) any colourant other than one...
4.(1) No material shall contain any added emulsifier, stabiliser, thickener...
5.No material shall contain any added binder, anti-caking agent or...
6.No material shall contain any added vitamin, pro-vitamin or substance...
7.No material shall contain any added trace element other than...
8.No material shall contain— (a) any added aromatic or appetising...
9.(1) No material shall contain any added preservative other than...
11.Unless otherwise stated, any maximum or minimum specified in the...
Part III Permitted Emulsifiers, Stabilisers, Thickeners and Gelling Agents
Part IV Permitted Binders, Anti-caking Agents and Coagulants
Part V Vitamins, Pro-Vitamins and Substances having a similar effect
Part IX Permitted Acidity Regulators for Pet Foods for Dogs and Cats