The Social Security (Incapacity Benefit) (Transitional) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations.)

These regulations come into operation on 13th April 1995 and are consequential upon the coming into operation of Article 6 of the Social Security (Incapacity for Work) (Northern Ireland) Order 1994 (“the Order”) which enables the Department of Health and Social Services to make regulations on matters relating to the transition to incapacity benefit from sickness benefit and invalidity benefit.

Part I relates to citation, commencement and interpretation.

Part II contains the provisions common to the transition to incapacity benefit from sickness benefit and invalidity benefit. Regulations 2 to 4 enable days before 13th April 1995 to be taken into account for the purposes of incapacity benefit and to enable days of incapacity for work after 13th April 1995 to form part of a period of incapacity for work beginning before 13th April 1995. Regulations 5, 6 and 8 and the Schedule make provision for late claims for sickness benefit and invalidity benefit, interchange with other benefits and payments of transitional awards. Regulation 7 enables persons who are deemed to be incapable of work before 13th April 1995 to continue to be so deemed after that date. Regulations 9 and 10 make provisions for the disqualification and suspension of payment of incapacity benefit.

Part III makes provision for the transition to incapacity benefit from sickness benefit. Regulation 11 provides for awards of sickness benefit to be treated as awards of short-term incapacity benefit. Regulations 12 and 13 enable awards of incapacity benefit to be paid at the transitional rate on termination of employment after a period of entitlement to disability working allowance or a period engaged in training for work in certain circumstances. Regulation 14 provides that where a person was entitled to sickness benefit in respect of an industrial injury, the contribution conditions shall be taken to be satisfied for the purpose of entitlement to short-term incapacity benefit. Regulation 15 provides for an increase in the rate of a transitional award of short-term incapacity benefit for adult dependents. Regulation 16 makes provision in respect of the treatment of earnings at the changeover period.

Part IV makes provision for the transition to incapacity benefit from invalidity benefit. Regulation 17 provides for awards of invalidity benefit to be treated as awards of long-term incapacity benefit. Regulation 18 provides the rate at which long-term incapacity benefit shall be payable in transitional cases. Regulations 19 and 20 enable awards of incapacity benefit to be paid at the transitional rate on termination of employment after a period of entitlement to disability working allowance or a period engaged in training for work in certain circumstances. Regulation 21 enables the transitional rate of long-term incapacity benefit to be paid where a person is incapacitated in respect of an industrial injury. Regulation 22 provides for the adjustment of benefit where a guaranteed minimum pension is in payment. Regulation 23 makes transitional provision for an increase of a Category A retirement pension for incapacity. Regulations 24 and 25 provide for the increase in the rate of long-term incapacity benefit in respect of dependents in transitional cases. Regulation 26 makes provision for the treatment of earnings at the changeover period.

Part V contains miscellaneous transitional provisions in respect of the rate of payment of incapacity benefit in the week that the benefit is introduced and for an increase of severe disablement allowance for dependents (regulations 27 and 28).

Part VI contains provisions for the transition to the new tests of incapacity for work. Regulations 29 and 30 provide for the new tests of incapacity for Work to apply to existing cases where incapacity is in question. Regulation 31 makes provisions to apply the new tests to existing cases and provides for categories of persons to be exempt from the new all work test. Regulation 32 enables days of incapacity arising before 13th April 1995 to be taken into account for the purposes of the new medical tests.

Articles 6, 9 and 14(1) of the Order, the enabling provisions under which these regulations are made, are brought into operation on 21st November 1994 by virtue of the Social Security (Incapacity for Work) (1994 Order) (Commencement) Order (Northern Ireland) 1994 (S.R. 1994 No. 450 (C.15)). Since the regulations are made before the end of a period of 6 months from the commencement of the said Articles, they are, accordingly, exempt, by virtue of section 150(5)(b) of the Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act 1992 (c. 8), from reference to the Social Security Advisory Committee.