Part IIAwards

Transitional provisions8


Without prejudice to section 29(3)(a) of the Interpretation Act (Northern Ireland) 195425 and to the definition of “award”, an award made in pursuance of the Regulations revoked by regulation 2 before the coming into operation of these Regulations, insofar as it could have been made in pursuance of these Regulations, shall for the purposes thereof, be treated as having been so made.


Where an award was made to a student under Article 50(3) (“the discretionary award”) in respect of a course to which Articles 50(1) and 50(2) did not then apply but the course becomes or has become a specified course and an award within the meaning of these Regulations is or has been made to the student in respect of that course, then if the discretionary award continues to be payable it shall be disregarded in calculating the students income for the purposes of regulation 13(1)(b) and 17: but payments on account of the mandatory award in respect of fees and in respect of maintenance for any period shall be respectively reduced or extinguished by those on account of the corresponding element of the discretionary award.


Where, before the coming into operation of these Regulations, a student has commenced a course (“the new course”) which is either a course provided by the University of Buckingham for a first degree of that University, a course for the Diploma of Higher Education, or a course for the Higher Diploma and has had made to him under previous awards regulations an award, having previously attended one or more courses of higher education the aggregate of which did not exceed 2 academic years then, notwithstanding any other provisions of these Regulations, payments shall be made in accordance with these Regulations in respect of his attendance at the new course.