Education (Assessment Arrangements for Key Stages 1 and 2) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996


9.—(1) Where, under Articles 14 (development work and experiments), 15 (exceptions by regulations), 16 (pupils with statements of special educational needs) or 17 (temporary exceptions for individual pupils) of the 1989 Order, a pupil has been exempted from one or more attainment targets in a relevant subject that pupil shall be assessed by a teacher in accordance with Article 5 only in relation to the remaining attainment targets in that subject and where a pupil has been exempted from a relevant subject as a whole Article 4 shall not apply in respect of that subject.

(2) Where a pupil has been exempted as described in paragraph (1) from one attainment target in a relevant subject his level of attainment achieved in relation to that subject shall be the average of his levels of attainment achieved in relation to the remaining attainment targets in that subject.

(3) Where a pupil has been exempted as described in paragraph (1) from two or more attainment targets in a relevant subject a level of attainment shall not be determined for that pupil in that subject and the school shall notify the Council accordingly.