Regulations 2(1), 3(6) and 5(2)

SCHEDULE 4Permitted Carriers and Carrier Solvents

EC No.NameRestricted use
Propane-1,2-diol (propylene glycol)Colours, emulsifiers, antioxidants and enzymes (maximum 1 g/kg in or on the food)E 422 Glycerol
E 420Sorbital
E 421Mannitol
E 953Isomalt
E 965Maltitol
E 966Lactitol
E 967Xylitol
E 400-404Alginic acid and its sodium, potassium, calcium and ammonium salts
E 405Propane-1,2-diol alginate
E 406Agar
E 407Carrageenan
E 410Locust bean gum
E 412Guar gum
E 413Tragacanth
E 414Acacia gum (gum arabic)
E 415Xanthan gum
E 440Pectins
E 432Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolautate (polysorbate 20)Antifoaming agents, colours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 433Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate (polysorbate 80)Antifoaming agents, colours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 434Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate 40)Antifoaming agents, colours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 435Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate 60)Antifoaming agents, colours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 436Polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate 65)Antifoaming agents, colours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 442Ammonium phosphatidesAntioxidants
E 460Cellulose (microcrystalline or powdered)
E 461Methyl cellulose
E 463Hydroxypropyl cellulose
E 464Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose
E 465Ethyl methyl cellulose
E 466Carboxy methyl cellulose Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose
E 322LecithinsColours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 470bMagnesium salts of fatty acidsColours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 471Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acidsColours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 472aAcetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acidsColours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 472cCitric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acidsColours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 472eMono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acidsColours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 473Sucrose esters of fatty acidsColours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 475Polyglycerol esters of fatty acidsColours and fat-soluble antioxidants
E 491Sorbitan monostearateColours and anti-foaming agents
E 492Sorbitan tristearateColours and anti-foaming agents
E 493Sorbitan monolaurateColours and anti-foaming agents
E 494Sorbitan monooleateColours and anti-foaming agents
E 495Sorbitan monopalminateColours and anti-foaming agents
E 1404Oxidised starch
E 1410Monostarch phosphate
E 1412Distarch phosphate
E 1413Phosphated distarch phosphate
E 1414Acetylated distarch phosphate
E 1420Acetylated starch
E 1422Acetylated distarch adipate
E 1440Hydroxy propyl starch
E 1442Hydroxy propyl distarch phosphate
E 1450Starch sodium octenyl succinate
E 170Calcium carbonates
E 263Calcium acetate
E 331Sodium citrates
E 332Potassium citrates
E 341Calcium phosphates
E 501Potassium carbonates
E 504Magnesium carbonates
E 508Potassium chloride
E 509Calcium chloride
E 511Magnesium chloride
E 514Sodium sulphate
E 515Potassium sulphate
E 516Calcium sulphate
E 517Ammonium sulphate
E 577Potassium gluconate
E 640Glycine and its sodium salt
E 1505Triethyl citrate
E 1518Glyceryl triacetate (triacetin)
E 551Silicon dioxideEmulsifiers and colours, max. 5%
E 552Calcium silicateEmulsifiers and colours, max. 5%
E 553bTalcColours, max. 5%
E 558BentoniteColours, max. 5%
E 559Aluminium silicate (Kaolin)Colours, max. 5%
E 901BeeswaxColours
E 1200Polydextrose
E 1201PolyvinylpyrrolidoneSweeteners
E 1202PolyvinylpolypyrrolidoneSweeteners