SCHEDULE 5Requirements for ladders

Regulation 6(6)


Any surface upon which a ladder rests shall be stable, level and firm, of sufficient strength and of suitable composition safely to support the ladder and any load intended to be placed on it.


A ladder shall—


be suitable and of sufficient strength for the purpose for which it is being used; and


be so erected as to ensure that it does not become displaced; and


where it is of a length when used of 3 metres or more, be secured to the extent that it is practicable to do so and where it is not practicable to secure the ladder a person shall be positioned at the foot of the ladder to prevent it slipping at all times when it is being used.


All ladders used as a means of access between places of work shall be sufficiently secured so as to prevent the ladder slipping or falling.


The top of any ladder used as a means of access to another level shall, unless a suitable alternative handhold is provided, extend to a sufficient height above the level to which it gives access so as to provide a safe handhold.


Where a ladder or run of ladders rises a vertical distance of 9 metres or more above its base, there shall, where practicable, be provided at suitable intervals sufficient safe landing areas or rest platforms.