Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997

Keeping of documents

9.—(1) A person who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations shall—

(a)ensure that when the safety case is sent to the Department for acceptance it is notified of an address in Northern Ireland for the purposes of sub-paragraphs (b) to (d) and (f) and (g);

(b)keep the accepted safety case and any revision thereof or a copy thereof at that address;

(c)keep each audit report made by him or a copy thereof at that address;

(d)ensure that a record is made of any action taken in consequence of such an audit report and keep that record or a copy thereof at that address;

(e)ensure that a report is made of every review carried out by him pursuant to regulation 4(3) and ensure that a copy is sent to the Department;

(f)keep such report or a copy thereof at that address; and

(g)ensure that a record is made of every test carried out pursuant to regulation 8(5) in relation to gas he conveys and keep that record or a copy thereof at that address.

(2) Each report and record required to be kept by paragraph (1) shall be kept for a period of three years after it has been made, and the safety case and revision shall be kept for so long as they are current.

(3) It shall be sufficient compliance with paragraph (1) for the information in the documents to be kept at the address notified on film or by electronic means if the information is capable of being reproduced as a written copy at that address and it is secure from loss or unauthorised interference.

(4) Where a person has notified an address pursuant to sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (1), he may notify to the Department a different address in Northern Ireland for the purposes of the provisions referred to in that sub-paragraph, and where he does so references in those provisions and in paragraph (3) where applicable to the address notified shall be construed as the address in the last notification made under this paragraph.

(5) In this regulation “audit report” means a report made pursuant to the arrangements referred to in paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 or paragraph 4 of Schedule 2 (to the extent that the later mentioned paragraph relates to arrangements for audit).