  1. Introductory Text

  2. Part I General

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Scope and terms of service

  3. Part II The Medical List

    1. 4.Medical list

    2. 5.Amendment of or withdrawal from the medical list

    3. 6.Removal from the medical list

    4. 7.The Medical Committee

    5. 8.Filling or dispersal of medical practice vacancies

    6. 9.Application to fill a vacancy

    7. 10.Application to practise in partnership

    8. 11.Application to practise as a restricted list or restricted services principal

    9. 12.Board’s decision on applications and inclusion in the medical list

    10. 13.Conditions under which general medical services are to be provided

    11. 14.Variation of conditions

    12. 15.Appeal to the Department

    13. 16.Local directory of family doctors

    14. 17.Amendment of local directory

  4. Part III General medical services other than child health surveillance services, contraceptive services, maternity medical services and minor surgery services

    1. 18.Doctors' lists

    2. 19.Application for services

    3. 20.Assignment of persons to doctors

    4. 21.Change of doctor

    5. 22.Removal from doctor’s list

    6. 23.Limitation on number of persons on doctors' lists

    7. 24.Temporary provision of services

    8. 25.Temporary residents

  5. Part IV Child health surveillance services, contraceptive services, maternity medical services and minor surgery services

    1. 26.Child health surveillance list

    2. 27.Obtaining child health surveillance services

    3. 28.Obtaining contraceptive services

    4. 29.Obstetric Committee

    5. 30.Obstetric list

    6. 31.Admission to the obstetric list

    7. 32.Review of the obstetric list

    8. 33.Removal from the obstetric list

    9. 34.Obtaining maternity medical services

    10. 35.Minor surgery list

    11. 36.Obtaining minor surgery services

  6. Part V Payments to doctors

    1. 37.Payments

    2. 38.Payments to suspended doctors

    3. 39.Claims and overpayments

  7. Part VI Miscellaneous

    1. 40.Determination of question of whether a substance is a drug, and recovery of cost

    2. 41.Publication of particulars

    3. 42.Appointment of medical adviser

    4. 43.Guidance to doctors

    5. 44.Revocations

  8. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Provisions Conferring Powers Exercised in Making these Regulations

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Terms of Service for Doctors

      1. 1.Interpretation

      2. 2.General

      3. 3.A doctor’s patients

      4. 4.A doctor who is elderly or infirm or who has...

      5. 5.Acceptance of patients

      6. 6.A doctor may— (a) undertake to provide contraceptive services to...

      7. 7.Notwithstanding that the person concerned is not on his list,...

      8. 8.Where a doctor whose name is included in the obstetric...

      9. 9.Termination of responsibility for patients

      10. 10.(1) Where— (a) a person on a doctor’s list has...

      11. 11.Where a doctor informs the Agency, in writing, that he...

      12. 12.(1) A doctor with whom an arrangement has been made...

      13. 13.Services to patients

      14. 14.Provision of services to patients during and outside normal hours

      15. 15.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), unless prevented by an emergency,...

      16. 16.Newly registered patients

      17. 17.Patients not seen within 3 years

      18. 18.Patients aged 75 years and over

      19. 19.Transfer of responsibility, absences, deputies, assistants and partners

      20. 20.(1) In this paragraph and in paragraph 21—

      21. 21.(1) Subject to paragraph 22, where it appears to the...

      22. 22.(1) Where it appears to the Board, whether after a...

      23. 23.(1) Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) to (7), a doctor shall...

      24. 24.(1) In relation to his obligations under these terms of...

      25. 25.(1) A doctor shall inform the Board of the arrangements...

      26. 26.(1) In this paragraph, “organisation providing deputy doctors” means a...

      27. 27.A doctor shall not engage another doctor as a deputy,...

      28. 28.A doctor shall not engage as a deputy or employ...

      29. 29.(1) A doctor shall— (a) inform the Board of the...

      30. 30.(1) A doctor acting as a deputy shall be entitled...

      31. 31.When issuing any document under these terms of service, a...

      32. 32.Practice Premises

      33. 33.Arrangements at practice premises

      34. 34.A doctor who— (a) intends to operate an appointments system;...

      35. 35.Employees

      36. 36.Doctors' availability to patients

      37. 37.Availability to patients outside normal hours

      38. 38.Doctors available for only 4 days a week

      39. 39.Practice area

      40. 40.Notification of change of place of residence

      41. 41.Records

      42. 42.Certification

      43. 43.Fees

      44. 44.(1) Where a person from whom a doctor received a...

      45. 45.Subject to sub-paragraphs (f), (j) and (o) of paragraph 43,...

      46. 46.A doctor shall not, without reasonable excuse, demand or accept...

      47. 47.A doctor shall take all practicable steps to ensure that...

      48. 48.Prescribing

      49. 49.(1) In the course of treating a patient to whom...

      50. 50.For the purposes of paragraphs 48 and 49 in their...

      51. 51.Practice leaflet

      52. 52.Complaints

      53. 53.(1) A doctor shall co-operate with any investigation of a...

      54. 54.Reports to medical officer of the Department

      55. 55.Inquiries about prescriptions and referrals

      56. 56.Annual reports

      57. 57.Incorporation of provisions of regulations etc.

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      1. Part I Information to be provided by a board to the medical committee in relation to the filling or dispersal of a medical practice vacancy on the death, withdrawal or removal of a doctor from the medical list

        1. 1.The full name, age, practice address and sex of the...

        2. 2.Whether or not the doctor was required under regulation 12...

        3. 3.In respect of a single-handed doctor, whether the practice premises...

        4. 4.The full name, age, practice address or addresses and sex...

        5. 5.An account of any report from the Local Medical Committee....

        6. 6.Any other information that the Board considers to be relevant....

      2. Part IIA Information and undertakings to be included in any application to practise

        1. 1.Full name.

        2. 2.Sex.

        3. 3.Date of birth.

        4. 4.Private address and telephone number.

        5. 5.Whether or not his name is included in the medical...

        6. 6.Whether the application is in respect of a new practice...

        7. 7.Notification of address or addresses of proposed practice premises.

        8. 8.Notification of the geographical boundary of the proposed practice area...

        9. 9.Undertaking that, if accepting as a patient a person who,...

        10. 10.Proposed place of residence (including telephone number and distance from...

        11. 11.Telephone number at which prepared to receive messages.

        12. 12.Name and private address of— (a) any intended partnership and...

        13. 13.Whether the applicant intends to practise as—

        14. 14.Where the applicant intends to practise as a job-sharing doctor,...

        15. 15.Notification of the proposed days and hours of attendance.

        16. 16.In the case of an application by a doctor for...

      3. Part IIB Additional information to be provided by a doctor in connection with an application to fill a vacancy

        1. 1.Whether applying to succeed to a practice, or be appointed...

        2. 2.Professional experience (including starting and finishing dates to each appointment)...

        3. 3.The name and address of each doctor whose name is...

        4. 4.Particulars of covenants restricting medical practice by the applicant in...

        5. 5.Names and addresses of two referees.

      4. Part IIC Additional evidence, information and undertakings to be provided by a doctor whose name is not already on the medical list

        1. 1.Medical qualifications, where obtained and evidence that the applicant is...

        2. 2.Declaration that he is a registered medical practitioner, included in...

        3. 3.Registration number in the Medical Register and date of first...

        4. 4.Present or most recent appointment and, if in general practice,...

        5. 5.Particulars of any outstanding application for inclusion in the medical...

        6. 6.Whether or not applied/intending to apply for inclusion in—

        7. 7.Information about general medical services to be provided and, in...

        8. 8.Undertaking to be bound by the terms of service.

      5. Part III Information and undertakings to be provided by the existing partners in relation to an application to practise in partnership

        1. 1.Reason for application (whether an additional partner or replacement or...

        2. 2.Particulars of each existing partner who will form part of...

        3. 3.Whether or not income from— (a) other health service appointments;...

        4. 4.Declaration that each member of the proposed partnership shall discharge...

        5. 5.Declaration that none of the partners shall either jointly or...

        6. 6.Undertaking to enter into an Agreement in writing embodying all...

        7. 7.Undertaking to forward a copy of the Agreement mentioned in...

      6. Part IV Information to be included in an application for the variation of a condition imposed in connection with inclusion in the medical list

        1. 1.Full name.

        2. 2.Private address.

        3. 3.Name and private address of each partner with whom the...

        4. 4.Whether the applicant wishes to practise as—

      7. Part V Information to be supplied by the agency with regard to doctors' lists

        1. 1.The number of patients included in the doctor’s list, in...

        2. 2.The number of children included in the doctor’s list for...

        3. 3.The number of patients included in the doctor’s list for...

        4. 4.The number of patients included for whom fees and allowances...

      8. Part VI Information to be supplied by doctor applying for inclusion in the child health surveillance list

        1. 1.Full name.

        2. 2.Address of practice premises.

        3. 3.Registration number in the Medical Register and date of first...

        4. 4.Details of relevant medical experience after date of first registration...

        5. 5.Title of any post-graduate qualification held and date awarded.

      9. Part VII Criteria for inclusion and retention in the child health surveillance list

        1. 1.A doctor will have his name included in the child...

        2. 2.In order to ensure continued inclusion in the child health...

      10. Part VIII Information to be supplied by doctor applying for inclusion in the minor surgery list

        1. 1.Full name.

        2. 2.Address of practice premises.

        3. 3.Registration number in the Medical Register and date of first...

        4. 4.Details of relevant medical experience after date of first registration...

        5. 5.Details of premises and equipment to be used.

        6. 6.Title of any post-graduate qualification held and date awarded.

      11. Part IX Criteria for inclusion and retention in the minor surgery list

        1. 1.Subject to paragraph 4, a doctor shall have his name...

        2. 2.Quinquennial Review

        3. 3.Premises/facilities

        4. 4.Where a doctor’s name has previously been included in the...

        5. 5.Any other person in the practice involved in minor surgery...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Child Health Surveillance Services

      1. 1.The services referred to in regulation 27(3)(a) shall comprise—

      2. 2.The records mentioned in regulation 27(3)(b) shall comprise an accurate...

      3. 3.The information mentioned in regulation 27(3)(c) shall comprise—

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Maternity Medical Services

      1. 1.A doctor with whom a woman has made an arrangement...

      2. 2.A doctor with whom a woman has made an arrangement...

      3. 3.A doctor with whom a woman has made an arrangement...

      4. 4.A doctor with whom a woman has made an arrangement...

      5. 5.Where the doctor is aware that an arrangement under regulation...

      6. 6.The doctor shall be relieved of his obligations under paragraph...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Constitution of the Obstetric Committee

      1. 1.The membership of the Obstetric Committee shall consist of—

      2. 2.The chairman and vice-chairman shall be appointed from the members...

      3. 3.All members shall be appointed for a period of 3...

      4. 4.A member may be reappointed to the Obstetric Committee on...

      5. 5.A member may resign from the Obstetric Committee by giving...

      6. 6.In the case of a vacancy in membership occurring, a...

      7. 7.The chairman or vice-chairman and 2 other members shall form...

      8. 8.The procedure shall be such as may be determined by...

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Minor Surgery Procedures

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Doctors' Hours

      1. Part I Information to be included with any application in relation to the times at which a doctor is to be available

        1. 1.The address of the proposed practice premises.

        2. 2.The days in each week during which the doctor will...

        3. 3.The hours of each such attendance by the doctor.

        4. 4.The hours of any attendance by the doctor on those...

        5. 5.The frequency, duration and purpose of any clinic provided by...

        6. 6.The estimated total time each week to be spent making...

        7. 7.The doctor’s proposals for notifying patients of his availability at...

        8. 8.The terms of any condition imposed by the Board under...

      2. Part II Additional information to be included in any application by a doctor who is a restricted services principal or a restricted list principal

        1. 1.In the case of a restricted services principal—

        2. 2.In the case of a restricted list principal, the name,...

      3. Part III Additional information to be included in any application by a doctor who seeks normally to be available on only 4 days in each week

        1. 1.A brief description of each health-related activity with reference to...

        2. 2.The days in each week during which the doctor will...

        3. 3.The number of hours in each week which are likely...

      4. Part IV Illustrative list of health-related activities

    9. SCHEDULE 9

      List of Medical Certificates

    10. SCHEDULE 10

      Drugs and other Substances not to be Prescribed for supply under Pharmaceutical Services

    11. SCHEDULE 11

      Drugs and other Substances to be Prescribed for supply under Pharmaceutical Services only in certain circumstances

    12. SCHEDULE 12

      Information to be Included in Practice Leaflets

      1. Personal and professional details of the doctor

        1. 1.Full name.

        2. 2.Sex.

        3. 3.Medical qualifications registered by the General Medical Council.

        4. 4.Date and place of first registration as a medical practitioner....

      2. Practice information

        1. 5.The times approved by the Board during which the doctor...

        2. 6.Whether an appointments system is operated by the doctor for...

        3. 7.If there is an appointments system, the method of obtaining...

        4. 8.The method of obtaining a non-urgent domiciliary visit and the...

        5. 9.The doctor’s arrangements for providing personal medical services when he...

        6. 10.The address of any premises approved under paragraph 37 of...

        7. 11.Where the doctor has made an out of hours arrangement...

        8. 12.The method by which patients are to obtain further prescriptions...

        9. 13.The arrangements (if any) for dispensing prescriptions.

        10. 14.If the doctor provides clinics for his patients, their frequency,...

        11. 15.The numbers of staff, other than doctors, assisting the doctor...

        12. 16.Whether or not the doctor provides child health surveillance services,...

        13. 17.Whether the doctor works single-handed, in partnership, part-time or as...

        14. 18.The nature of any arrangements whereby the doctor or his...

        15. 19.The geographical boundary of his practice area by reference to...

        16. 20.Whether the doctor’s premises have suitable access for all disabled...

        17. 21.If an assistant is employed, details for him as specified...

        18. 22.If the practice is either a general practitioner training practice...

    13. SCHEDULE 13

      Information to be Provided in Annual Reports

      1. 1.Particulars of the doctor’s other commitments as a medical practitioner,...

      2. 2.As respects orders for drugs and appliances, the doctor’s arrangements...

      3. 3.Information relating to the referral of patients to other services...

      4. 4.Information relating to the numbers of patients on the doctor’s...

      5. 5.The number of complaints received in accordance with paragraph 52...

    14. SCHEDULE 14

      Constitution of the Medical Committee

      1. 1.Membership

      2. 2.The chairperson shall be a doctor on the medical list...

      3. 3.Four of the other members shall be doctors on the...

      4. 4.Two of the other members shall be lay persons and...

      5. 5.The nominations referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 shall...

      6. 6.To ensure that a quorum is present at meetings of...

      7. 7.The term of office of members and deputies shall be...

      8. 8.Where the place of a member or deputy becomes vacant...

      9. 9.A member of the Medical Committee may resign his membership...

      10. 10.Procedure at meetings

      11. 11.At any such meeting, 4 members of the Medical Committee...

      12. 12.A member may vote upon any matter which touches the...

      13. 13.The proceedings of the Medical Committee shall not be invalidated...

      14. 14.The Medical Adviser of the relevant Board shall have the...

    15. SCHEDULE 15

      Regulations Revoked

  9. Explanatory Note