SCHEDULE 17Transport of Fresh Meat — Requirements applicable to Occupiers or Persons responsible for the Control and Management of Transport

Regulations 7(1)(e) and 12(1)(j)


Subject to paragraph 1(q) of Schedule 9, fresh meat shall be loaded at a temperature of not more than +7°C for carcases and cuts, +3°C for offal and −12°C for frozen fresh meat and shall be transported in vehicles so designed and equipped that such meat is maintained at those temperatures throughout the period of transport.


The interior surfaces of vehicles used for the transport of fresh meat and any other parts of the vehicles which may come into contact with such meat shall be so finished as to enable them effectively to be kept clean and disinfected and shall be constructed of material resistant to corrosion which does not cause a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics of the meat or render it harmful to human health.



Vehicles used for the transport of fresh meat shall be provided with efficient devices for protecting the meat against the entry of insects and dust and shall be watertight.


Where such vehicles are used for the transport of carcases, half carcases, quarter carcases and unpackaged cut fresh meat they shall be equipped with fittings of material resistant to corrosion for hanging the meat fixed at such a height that fresh meat cannot come into contact with the floor except that fittings for hanging such meat shall not be required where the meat is transported by aircraft in which suitable facilities resistant to corrosion have been provided for hygienically loading, holding and unloading the meat.


Vehicles used for conveying live animals or any substance which may be detrimental to, or contaminate fresh meat, shall not be used for the transport of such meat.


Fresh meat shall not be transported in the same vehicle at the same time as any other product likely to affect the hygiene of such meat or to contaminate it unless it is transported in such a manner that it will not contaminate the meat; and packaged meat shall not be transported in the same vehicle and at the same time as unpackaged meat unless an adequate physical separation is provided so as to protect unpackaged meat from packaged meat.


Stomachs shall be scalded or cleaned and feet and heads skinned or scalded and depilated before being transported in a vehicle containing other fresh meat.


Fresh meat shall not be transported in vehicles which are not properly cleaned and disinfected.


Carcases, half carcases, wholesale cuts of half carcases and quarter carcases, other than frozen fresh meat packaged in a hygienic manner, shall be suspended throughout the period of transport except where such meat is transported by aircraft in which suitable facilities resistant to corrosion have been provided for hygienically loading, holding and unloading fresh meat; other cuts and offal, other than the viscera, shall be hung or placed on supports if not placed in packages of material resistant to corrosion; and the supports shall be clean and corrosion-resistant and packaging shall meet the requirements of Schedule 13.


The viscera may only be transported in strong, clean and impervious lidded containers or packages which may only be re-used after being cleaned and disinfected.