Public interest: application by the prosecutor2


This Rule applies to the making of an application by the prosecutor under section 3(6), 7(5), 8(5) or 9(8) where Part I applies by virtue of section 1(1) (summary trial).


The prosecutor shall serve notice of an application to which this Rule applies on the clerk of petty sessions and shall specify the nature of the material to which the application relates.


Subject to paragraphs (4) and (5) the prosecutor shall serve a copy of the notice of application on the accused.


Where the prosecutor has reason to believe that to reveal to the accused the nature of the material to which the application relates would have the effect of disclosing that which the prosecutor contends should not in the public interest be disclosed, paragraph (3) shall not apply but the prosecutor shall notify the accused that an application to which this Rule applies has been made.


Where the prosecutor has reason to believe that to reveal to the accused the fact that the application is being made would have the effect of disclosing that which the prosecutor contends should not in the public interest be disclosed, paragraph (3) shall not apply.