Education (Pupil Records) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998


9.  Nothing in these Regulations shall authorise or require arrangements to be made for the disclosure of any information—

(a)originating from or supplied by or on behalf of any person other than a teacher at any school which the pupil to whom that information relates is attending or has attended, an employee of a board other than such a teacher, the pupil himself, or his parent; or

(b)to the extent that it would reveal, or enable to be deduced, the identity of a person (other than the pupil to whom that information relates or a person mentioned in paragraph (a)) as the source of the information or as a person to whom that information relates; or

(c)to the extent that disclosure would in the opinion of the holder of the information be likely to cause serious harm to the physical or mental health or emotional condition of the pupil to whom the information relates or of any other person; or

(d)to the extent that in the opinion of the holder of the information it is relevant to the question whether the pupil to which it relates is or has been the subject of or may be at risk of harm.