Part IIITesting

Prescribed limits of error

15.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) to (5), the prescribed limits of error relating to any measuring equipment shall be those set out in Table 1 in the Schedule as may be appropriate having regard to the dynamic viscosity of the test liquid employed.

(2) In the case of measuring equipment other than equipment constructed to deliver a fixed quantity only, the prescribed limits of error where the testing relates to a quantity equivalent to the minimum delivery of the equipment shall be those set out in Table 2 in the Schedule as may be appropriate having regard to the dynamic viscosity of the test liquid employed.

(3) Where a quantity indicated by the measuring equipment is larger than the minimum delivery of the equipment, the prescribed limit of error for the quantity shall never be less than that prescribed for the quantity equivalent to the minimum delivery of the equipment set out in Table 2 as may be appropriate having regard to the dynamic viscosity of the test liquid employed.

(4) In relation to the retesting of any measuring equipment fitted with a price computing device which—

(a)is, in the opinion of an inspector, only required to be retested as a result of an adjustment of that device occasioned by a change in price; and

(b)has previously been tested and passed as fit for use for trade (but not since the adjustment was made),

the prescribed limits of error shall be the amounts set out in Table 1 or 2 as appropriate having regard to the dynamic viscosity of the test liquid employed in relation to obliteration of the stamp.

(5) On the testing of any measuring equipment fitted with a price computing device the difference between—

(a)the price indicated by that device, and

(b)the price computed on the basis of the unit price and of—

(i)the quantity indicated for test purposes, or

(ii)where the machine is incapable of indicating the quantity for test purposes, the quantity indicated for use for trade,

shall not exceed the price of the quantity equal to the error in deficiency set out in Table 2 having regard to the dynamic viscosity of the test liquid employed for a quantity equivalent to the minimum delivery of the equipment,—

(i)in the case of measuring equipment fitted with a price to pay indicating device in analogue form, not being less than the price corresponding to 2mm on the indicated price scale or to one fifth of the indicated price scale interval, whichever is the greater; and

(ii)in the case of measuring equipment fitted with a price to pay indicating device in digital form, not being less than the price corresponding to two scale intervals of the indicated price,

and in this paragraph “analogue” means capable of assigning any value or position within a continuous range.