Regulation 10(1)(b)
1.—(1) The information is:
(a)the names of any GCSE subjects entered by the pupil, the grade obtained in each and the year in which entered;
(b)the names of any GNVQ vocational areas in which the pupil obtained a full qualification, the year in which it was obtained and the level at which the qualification was obtained;
(c)the result of any other public examination taken by the pupil, for which the pupil was prepared by the school, and the year in which it was taken, including any credit awarded towards a qualification where the pupil did not obtain the full qualification;
(d)brief particulars of the pupil’s achievements in any other subject or activity which has formed part of his curriculum in the course of his attendance at the school or at any other secondary school;
(e)the name of any qualification, award or certificate, other than those mentioned in heads (a) to (c), gained by the pupil for which he was prepared by the school, or by any other secondary school, whether in connection with his studies or otherwise, together, where appropriate, with the highest grade obtained by him therein and the school year in which the qualification, award or certificate was gained;
(f)brief particulars of any school societies, clubs or other activities in which the pupil has been involved in the course of his attendance at the school or at any other secondary school, whether in connection with his studies or otherwise;
(g)particulars of any position of responsibility held by the pupil in the school or in any other secondary school attended by him or in any of the societies, clubs or other activities mentioned in head (f).
(2) The information in heads (a) to (c) of sub-paragraph (1) shall be provided under the heading “Qualifications and Credits” in the form specified in Part I of Schedule 8.
(3) The information in head (d) of sub-paragraph (1) shall be provided under the heading “Achievements in Education” in the form specified in Part II of Schedule 8.
(4) The information in heads (e) to (g) of sub-paragraph (1) shall be provided under the heading “Achievements and Experiences” in the form specified in Part III of Schedule 8.