Part IIApproved Document

Approved Document3


The Department shall approve for the purposes of these Regulations the document published by the Health and Safety Commission entitled—“Approved Requirements for the Packaging, Labelling and Carriage of Radioactive Material by Rail”, containing—


in Part I, the requirements for packages and packagings;


in Part II, the test procedures for radioactive material and packages;


in Part III, the information requirements concerning the preparation of radioactive material;


in Part IV, the requirements for tanks; and


explanatory notes and other material requisite for the use of the document.


The Department may approve a revision of the Approved Document and, when it does so, the Department shall within 3 months of the date of that approval publish, in such manner as it considers appropriate, a notice specifying the revision, the date on which it was approved and the date on which it takes effect, which last-mentioned date shall be not less than 6 months after the date of the approval of the revision.