SCHEDULE 6Maintenance Requirements
Part VIInterpretation of Parts I to V
In this Schedule—
a reference to the home of the student’s parents shall be construed, in the case of a student whose spouse attends a full-time course at any institution, as including a reference to the home of the parents of the student’s spouse; and
a reference to a requirement, expenditure or attendance in respect of which no period of time is specified shall be construed as a reference to a requirement, expenditure or attendance for the year.
For the purposes of this Schedule, attendance at an institution or the undertaking of a period of study is a necessary part of a student’s course only where the board is satisfied that if the student did not attend the institution or undertake the period of study, he would not be eligible to complete his course and, for the purpose of being so satisfied, the board may require the matter to be evidenced by a certificate given by the academic authority.
For the purposes of this paragraph, “institution” includes and “overseas institution”.