The Health Services (Choice of Medical Practitioner) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998

Temporary residents

6.—(1) A person requiring treatment who is–

(a)temporarily residing away from his normal place of residence and is not included in the doctor’s list of a doctor who practices in the vicinity of the place where he is temporarily residing, or in a pooled list of doctors who practise in that vicinity; or

(b)moving from place to place and not for the time being resident in any place,

may apply to any doctor who provides general medical services or is primarily responsible for the performance of personal medical services under a pilot scheme in the area in which he is temporarily resident, to be accepted by him as a temporary resident.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a person shall be regarded as temporarily resident in a place if, when he arrives in that place, he intends to stay there for more than 24 hours, but not more than three months.