The Social Security Commissioners (Procedure) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999

Notice of application to a Commissioner for leave to appeal

10.—(1) An application to a Commissioner for leave to appeal shall be made by notice in writing, and shall contain—

(a)the name and address of the applicant;

(b)the grounds on which the applicant intends to rely;

(c)if the application is made late, the grounds for seeking late acceptance; and

(d)an address for sending notices and other documents to the applicant.

(2) The notice in paragraph (1) shall have with it copies of—

(a)the decision against which leave to appeal is sought;

(b)if separate, the written statement of the appeal tribunal’s reasons for it; and

(c)the notice of refusal or rejection sent to the applicant by the appeal tribunal.

(3) Where an application for leave to appeal is made by the Department, the Department shall send each respondent a copy of the notice of application and any documents sent with it when they are sent to the Commissioner.