Part IIIEntitlements and Accommodation



There shall be established in a centre a system of entitlements.


A system of entitlements shall have regard to a child’s personal possessions and private cash.


Where an order for the forfeiture of entitlements is made by the manager it shall apply only to those entitlements specified in the order.


Every system of entitlements shall be subject to approval by the Secretary of State and reviewed annually.



Children’s accommodation in a centre shall be of such size and be lighted, heated, ventilated and furnished in such manner as is needed to maintain good health and human dignity.


Accommodation shall be provided with means by which a child may communicate at any time with a member of staff in a centre.


Each child shall have a separate room.



The manager of a centre shall ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of all parts of a centre in which children, members of staff and any others live, work, or otherwise have reason to be.


To this end the manager of a centre shall consult with the authorities responsible for environmental health and for health and safety at work.


The manager shall grant reasonable facilities to authorised officers of those authorities referred to in paragraph (2) for the inspection of those parts of a centre in which they have a proper interest.

Beds and bedding15.

A child shall be provided with a bed and bedding adequate for warmth and good health.