SCHEDULE 3Requirements for spring water and drinking water including prescribed concentrations or values of parameters

PART IIPrescribed Concentrations or Values


Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
ItemParametersUnits of MeasurementConcentration or Value (maximum unless otherwise stated)

Note (i) If silver is used in a water treatment process, 80 may be substituted for 10.

1.Colourmg/1 Pt/Co scale20
2.Turbidity (including suspended solids)Formazin turbidity units4
3.Odour (including hydrogen sulphide)Dilution number3 at 25°C
4.Taste Dilution number3 at 25°C
6.SulphateMg SO4/1250
7.MagnesiumMg mg/150
8SodiumMg Na/1150
9.PotassiumMg K/112
10.Dry residuesmg/11500 (after drying at 180°C)
11.NitrateMg NO3/150
12.NitriteMg NO2/10.1
13.Ammonium (ammonia and ammonium ions)Mg NH4/10.5
14.Kjeldahl nitrogenMg N/11
15.Oxidizability (permanganate value)Mg O2/15
16.Total organic carbonMg C/1No significant increase over that normally observed
17.Dissolved or emulsified hydrocarbons (after extraction with petroleum ether); mineral oilsμg/110
18.Phenolsμg C6H5OH/10.5
19.Surfactantsμg/1 (as lauryl sulphate)200
20.Aluminiumμg A1/1200
21.Ironμg Fe/1200
22.Manganeseμg Mn/150
23.Copperμg Cu/13000
24.Zincμg Zn/15000
25.Phosphorusμg P/12200
26.Fluorideμg F/11500
27.Silverμg Ag/110(i)


Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
ItemParametersUnits of MeasurementMaximum concentration

Notes (i) The sum of the detected concentrations of individual substances.


Notes (ii) The sum of the detected concentrations of fluoranthene, benzo 3,4 fluoranthene, benzo 11.12 fluoranthene, benzo 3.4 pyrene, benzo 1.12 perylene and indeno (1, 2, 3-cd) pyrene.

1.Arsenicμg As/150
2.Cadmiumμg Cd/15
3.Cyanideμg CN/150
4.Chromiumμg Cr/150
5.Mercuryμg Hg/11
6.Nickelμg Ni/150
7.Seleniumμg Se/110
8.Antimonyμg Sb/110
9.Leadμg Pb/110
10.Pesticides and related products:

(a)individual substances


(b)total substances(i)

11.Polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons(ii)μg/10.2


Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
ItemParametersUnits of MeasurementMaximum Concentration

Notes (i) Analysis by multiple tube method.


Notes (ii) The total viable colony count should be measured within 12 hours of bottling with the sample water being kept at a constant temperature during that 12-hour period. Any increase in the total viable colony count of the water between 12 hours after bottling and the time of sale shall not be greater than that normally expected.

1.Total coliformsnumber/100 ml0
2.Faecal coliformsnumber/100 ml0
3.Faecal streptococcinumber/100 ml0
4.Sulphite-reducing clostridianumber/20 ml≥1(i)
5.Colony countsnumber/1 ml at 22°C100(ii)
number/1 ml at 37°C20(ii)


Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
ItemParametersUnits of MeasurementMaximum Concentration or Value
1.ConductivityμS/cm1500 at 20°C
2.Chloridemg C1/1400
3.Calciummg Ca/1250
4.Substances extractable in chloroformmg/1 dry residue1
5.Boronμg B/12000
6.Bariumμg Ba/11000
7.Benzo 3.4 pyreneng/110