Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

Part IIRegulations governing the fitting of Lamps, Reflectors, Rear Markings and Devices

Colour of light shown by lamps and reflectors

13.—(1) A vehicle shall not be fitted with a lamp or retro reflective material which is capable of showing a red light to the front, except—

(a)a red and white chequered domed lamp, or a red and white segmented mast-mounted warning beacon, fitted to a fire service control vehicle and intended for use at the scene of an emergency;

(b)a side marker lamp or a side retro reflector;

(c)retro reflective material or a retro reflector designed primarily to reflect light to one or both sides of the vehicle and attached to or incorporated in any wheel or tyre of—

(i)a cycle and any sidecar attached to it;

(ii)a solo motor bicycle or a motor bicycle combination; or

(iii)an invalid carriage; or

(d)a traffic sign.

(2) A vehicle shall not be fitted with a lamp or retro reflective material which is capable of showing any light to the rear, other than a red light, except—

(a)amber light from a direction indicator or side marker lamp;

(b)white light from a reversing lamp;

(c)white light from a work lamp;

(d)light to illuminate the interior of a vehicle;

(e)light from an illuminated rear registration plate;

(f)light for the purposes of illuminating a taxi meter;

(g)in the case of a bus, light for the purposes of illuminating a route indicator;

(h)blue light and white light from a chequered domed lamp fitted to a police control vehicle and intended for use at the scene of an emergency;

(i)white light from a red and white chequered domed lamp, or a red and white segmented mast-mounted warning beacon, fitted to a fire service control vehicle and intended for use at the scene of an emergency;

(j)green light and white light from a chequered domed lamp fitted to an ambulance control vehicle and intended for use at the scene of an emergency;

(k)blue light from a warning beacon or rear special warning lamp fitted to an emergency vehicle, or from any device fitted to a vehicle used for police purposes;

(l)amber light from a warning beacon fitted to—

(i)a road clearance vehicle;

(ii)a vehicle constructed or adapted for the purpose of collecting refuse;

(iii)a breakdown vehicle;

(iv)a vehicle having a maximum speed not exceeding 25 mph or any trailer drawn by such a vehicle;

(v)a vehicle having an overall width (including any load) exceeding 2.9 m;

(vi)a vehicle used for the purposes of testing, maintaining, improving, cleansing, gritting, salting or watering roads or for any purpose incidental to any such use;

(vii)a vehicle used for the purpose of inspecting, cleansing, maintaining, adjusting, renewing or installing any apparatus which is in, on, under or over a road, or for any purpose incidental to any such use;

(viii)a vehicle used for or in connection with any purpose for which it is authorised to be used on roads by an order under Article 60 of the 1995 Order;

(ix)a vehicle used for escort purposes when travelling at a speed not exceeding 25 mph;

(x)a vehicle used by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise for the purpose of testing fuels;

(xi)a vehicle used for the purpose of surveying;

(xii)a vehicle used for the removal or immobilisation of vehicles in exercise of a statutory power or duty;

(m)green light from a warning beacon fitted to a vehicle used by a medical practitioner registered by the General Medical Council (whether with full, provisional or limited registration);

(n)yellow light from a warning beacon fitted to a vehicle for use at airports;

(o)light of any colour from a traffic sign which is attached to a vehicle;

(p)reflected light from amber pedal retro reflectors;

(q)reflected light of any colour from retro reflective material or a retro reflector designed primarily to reflect light to one or both sides of the vehicle and attached to or incorporated in any wheel or tyre of—

(i)a cycle and any sidecar attached to it;

(ii)a solo motor bicycle or motor bicycle combination; or

(iii)an invalid carriage;

(r)reflected light from amber retro reflective material on a road clearance vehicle;

(s)reflected light from yellow retro reflective registration plates;

(t)reflected light from yellow retro reflective material incorporated in a prescribed rear marking fitted in the appropriate manner to—

(i)a motor vehicle having a maximum gross weight exceeding 7500 kg;

(ii)a motor vehicle first used before 1st July 1983 having an unladen weight exceeding 3000 kg;

(iii)a trailer having a maximum gross weight exceeding 3500 kg;

(iv)a trailer manufactured before lst July 1983 having an unladen weight exceeding 1000 kg;

(v)a trailer which forms part of a combination of vehicles one of which is of a type mentioned in a previous item of this sub-paragraph;

(vi)a load carried by any vehicle;

(u)reflected light from orange retro reflective material incorporated in a sign fitted to the rear of a vehicle carrying a dangerous substance within the meaning of the Road Traffic (Carriage of Dangerous Substances in Road Tankers and Tank Containers) Regulations (Northern Ireland) Regulations 1992(1) or the Road Traffic (Carriage of Dangerous Substances in Packages etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1992(2);

(v)reflected light from yellow retro reflective material incorporated in a prescribed sign and fitted to the rear of a bus;

(w)reflected light from yellow retro reflective material incorporated in a sign fitted to the rear of a bus in accordance with paragraph (4); or

(x)reflected light from orange or yellow retro reflective material fitted to the rear of a vehicle used for police purposes.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(t), a rear marking fitted to a vehicle is a prescribed rear marking fitted in the appropriate manner if the rear marking—

(a)is a rear marking of a description specified in the entry applicable to that vehicle in the right hand column of paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 19, and

(b)complies with paragraphs 2 to 7 of that Part of that Schedule.

(4) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(w), a sign (“the secondary sign”) is fitted to the rear of a bus in accordance with this paragraph if—

(a)a prescribed sign is also fitted to the rear of the bus;

(b)the total area of the retro reflective material incorporated in the secondary sign is no greater than the area of the prescribed sign; and

(c)the secondary sign satisfies the requirements specified—

(i)in the case of a bus which is owned or hired by an Education and Library Board or any person managing an education establishment attended by children under the age of 16 years, in paragraph (5) or (6); or

(ii)in any other case, in paragraph (6).

(5) The requirements referred to in paragraph (4)(c)(i) are that the secondary sign contains no words or other markings apart from words or markings identifying the Education and Library Board or the educational establishment.

(6) The requirements referred to in paragraph (4)(c)(ii) are that the secondary sign contains no words or other markings apart from words or other markings which—

(a)indicate that children are on board the bus when it is in motion or likely to be on board the bus or in its vicinity when it is stationary, and

(b)are calculated to reduce the risk of road accidents involving such children.

Movement of lamps and reflectors

14.—(1) Save as provided in paragraph (2), a person shall not use, or cause or permit to be used, on a road any vehicle to which, or to any load or equipment of which, there is fitted a lamp, reflector or marking which is capable of being moved by swivelling, deflecting or otherwise while the vehicle is in motion.

(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply in respect of—

(a)a headlamp which can be dipped only by the movement of the headlamp or its reflector;

(b)a headlamp which is capable of adjustment so as to compensate for the effect of the load carried by the vehicle;

(c)a lamp or reflector which can be deflected to the side by the movement of, although not necessarily through the same angle as, the front wheel or wheels of the vehicle when turned for the purpose of steering the vehicle;

(d)a headlamp or front fog lamp which can be wholly or partially retracted or concealed;

(e)a direction indicator fitted to a motor vehicle first used before 24th January 1996 ;

(f)a work lamp;

(g)a warning beacon;

(h)an amber pedal retro reflector; or

(i)retro reflective material or a retro reflector of any colour which is fitted so as to reflect light primarily to one or both sides of the vehicle and is attached to or incorporated in any wheel or tyre of—

(i)a cycle and any sidecar attached thereto;

(ii)a solo motor bicycle or motor bicycle combination; or

(iii)an invalid carriage.

Lamps to show a steady light

15.—(1) Save as provided in paragraph (2), a vehicle shall not be fitted with a lamp which automatically emits a flashing light.

(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply in respect of—

(a)a direction indicator;

(b)a headlamp fitted to an emergency vehicle;

(c)a warning beacon or special warning lamp;

(d)a lamp or illuminated sign fitted to a vehicle used for police purposes;

(e)a green warning lamp used as an anti-lock brake indicator; or

(f)lamps forming part of a traffic sign.

Filament lamps

16.  Where a motor vehicle first used on or after 24th January 1996 or any trailer manufactured on or after 24th January 1996 is equipped with any lamp of a type that is required by any Schedule to these Regulations to be marked with an approval mark, no filament lamp other than a filament lamp referred to in the Designation of Approval Marks Regulations in—

(a)regulation 4 and Schedule 2, items 2 or 2A, 8, 20, 37 or 37A; or

(b)regulation 5 and Schedule 4, item 18,

to those Regulations, shall be fitted to any such vehicle.

Signs on buses carrying children

17.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a person shall not use or cause or permit to be used on a road a bus when it is carrying a child to or from his school unless—

(a)a prescribed sign is fitted to the front of the bus and is plainly visible to road users ahead of the bus; and

(b)a prescribed sign is fitted to the rear of the bus and is plainly visible to road users behind the bus.

(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply—

(a)where a bus is on a bus service of a description specified in paragraph 2 of Schedule 18 (bus services specified for the purposes of regulation 56(5)) to the Construction and Use Regulations; or

(b)where a bus is the property of an Education and Library Board and is painted in the distinctive livery of that Board.

(3) A prescribed sign shall be removed while any bus to which it has been fitted is being used for purposes other than carrying a child to or from his school.

(4) For the purposes of this regulation—

(a)a reference to a bus carrying a child to or from his school is a reference to a bus carrying a child—

(i)to, or to a place within the vicinity of, his school on a day during term time before he has attended the school on that day; or

(ii)from, or from a place within the vicinity of, his school on a day during term time after he has finished attending the school on that day;

(b)“school” has the same meaning as in Article 2(2) of the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 1986(3); and

(c)a reference to a child is a reference to a child under the age of 16 years.

General requirements for electrical connections

18.—(1) Every motor vehicle first used on or after 24th January 1996 shall be so constructed that every position lamp, side marker lamp, end-outline marker lamp and rear registration plate lamp with which the vehicle is fitted is capable of being switched on and off by the operation of one switch and, save as provided in paragraph (2), not otherwise.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not prevent one or more position lamps from being capable of being switched on and off independently of any other lamp referred to in that paragraph.

Restrictions on fitting blue warning beacons, special warning lamps and similar devices

19.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a vehicle shall not be fitted with—

(a)a blue warning beacon or special warning lamp, or

(b)a device which resembles a blue warning beacon or a special warning lamp, whether the same is in working order or not.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to an emergency vehicle.

Obligatory warning beacons

20.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a person shall not use, or cause or permit to be used, on an unrestricted dual-carriageway road any motor vehicle with four or more wheels having a maximum speed not exceeding 25 mph unless it or any trailer drawn by it is fitted with at least one warning beacon which—

(a)complies with Schedule 16; and

(b)is showing an amber light.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply in relation to—

(a)any motor vehicle first used before lst January 1947; and

(b)any motor vehicle, or any trailer being drawn by it, to which paragraph (1) would otherwise apply, when that vehicle or trailer is on any carriageway of an unrestricted dual-carriageway road for the purpose only of crossing that carriageway in the quickest manner practicable in the circumstances.

Obligatory lamps, reflectors, rear markings and devices

21.—(1) Save as provided in the foregoing provisions of these Regulations and in paragraph (2), every vehicle of a class specified in a Table in Schedule 1 shall be fitted with lamps, reflectors, rear markings and devices which—

(a)are of a type specified in column 1 of that Table, and

(b)comply with the relevant installation, alignment and performance requirements set out in the Schedule or Part of a Schedule shown against that type in column 2 of that Table.

(2) The requirements specified in paragraph (1) do not apply in respect of a lamp, reflector, rear marking or device of a type specified in column 1 of a Table in the case of a vehicle shown against it in column 3 of that Table.

(3) The requirements specified in paragraph (1) apply without prejudice to any additional requirements specified in regulations 23 and 24.

(4) The Schedules referred to in the Tables in Schedule 1 are Schedules 2 to 21.

Restrictions on the obscuration of certain obligatory lamps and reflectors

22.  Every vehicle shall be so constructed that at least part of the apparent surface of any—

(a)front and rear position lamp;

(b)front and rear direction indicator; and

(c)rear retro reflector;

which is required by these Regulations to be fitted to a vehicle is visible when the vehicle is viewed from any point directly in front of or behind the lamp or reflector, as appropriate, when every door, tailgate, boot lid, engine cover, cab or other movable part of the vehicle is in a fixed open position.

Optional lamps, reflectors, rear markings and devices

23.  Every optional lamp, reflector, rear marking or device fitted to a vehicle, being of a type specified in an item in column 2 of the Table, shall comply with the provisions shown in column 3.


ItemType of lamp, reflector, rear marking or deviceProvisions with which compliance is required
1.Front position lampSchedule 2, Part II

and Part I of Schedules 2 to 5, 7, 9 to 13 and 17 to 21 to the extent specified in Part II of those Schedules

2.Dim-dip device and running lampSchedule 3, Part II
3.Dipped-beam headlampSchedule 4, Part II
4.Main-beam headlampSchedule 5, Part II
5.Front fog lampSchedule 6
6.Direction indicatorSchedule 7, Part II
7.Hazard warning signal deviceSchedule 8
8.Side marker lampSchedule 9, Part II
9.Rear position lampSchedule 10, Part II
10.Rear fog lampSchedule 11, Part II
11.Stop lampSchedule 12, Part II
12.End-outline marker lampSchedule 13, Part II
13.Reversing lampSchedule 14
14.Warning beaconSchedule 16
15.Side retro reflectorSchedule 17, Part II
16.Rear retro reflectorSchedule 18, Part II
17.Rear markingSchedule 19, Part II
18.Pedal retro reflectorSchedule 20, Part II
19.Front retro reflectorSchedule 21, Part II

Projecting trailers and vehicles carrying overhanging or projecting loads or equipment

24.—(1) A person shall not use, or cause or permit to be used, on a road in the circumstances mentioned in paragraph (2)—

(a)any trailer which forms part of a combination of vehicles which projects laterally beyond any preceding vehicle in the combination; or

(b)any vehicle or combination of vehicles which carries a load or equipment,

in either case under the conditions specified in an item in column 2 of the Table, unless the vehicle or combination of vehicles complies with the requirements specified in that item in column 3.


1.A trailer which is not fitted with front position lamps and which projects laterally on any side so that the distance from the outermost part of the projection to the outermost part of the illuminated area of the obligatory front position lamp on that side fitted to any preceding vehicle in the combination exceeds 400 mm.A lamp showing white light to the front shall be fitted to the trailer so that the outermost part of the illuminated area is not more than 400 mm from the outermost projection of the trailer. The installation and performance requirements relating to front position lamps do not apply to any such lamp.
2.A trailer which is not fitted with front position lamps and which carries a load or equipment which projects laterally on any side of the trailer so that the distance from the outermost projection of the load or equipment to the outermost part of the illuminated area of the obligatory front position lamp on that side fitted to any preceding vehicle in the combination exceeds 400 mm.A lamp showing white light to the front shall be fitted to the trailer or the load or equipment so that the outermost part of the illuminated area is not more than 400 mm from the outermost projection of the load or equipment. The installation and performance requirements relating to front position lamps do not apply to any such lamp.
3.A vehicle which carries a load or equipment which projects laterally on any side of the vehicle so that the distance from the outermost part of the load or equipment to the outermost part of the illuminated area of the obligatory front or rear postition lamp on that side exceeds 400 mm.
  • Either—


    the obligatory front or rear position lamp shall be transferred from the vehicle to the load or equipment to which must also be attached a white front or a red rear reflecting device; or


    an additional front or rear position lamp and a white front or a red rear reflecting device shall be fitted to the vehicle, load or equipment.

    All the installation, performance and maintenance requirements relating to front or rear position lamps shall in either case be complied with except that for the purpose of determining the lateral position of such lamps and reflecting devices any reference to the vehicle shall be taken to include the load or equipment except special equipment on a vehicle fitted with a movable platform or the jib of any crane.

  • A vehicle which carries a load or equipment which projects beyond the rear of the vehicle or, in the case of a combination of vehicles, beyond the rear of the rearmost vehicle in the combination, more than—


    2 m in the case of an agricultural vehicle or a vehicle carrying a fire escape; or


    1 m in the case of any other vehicle.

An additional rear lamp capable of showing red light to the rear and a red reflecting device, both of which are visible from a reasonable distance, shall be fitted to the vehicle or the load in such a position that the distance between the lamp and the reflecting device, and the rearmost projection of the load or equipment does not exceed 2 m in the case mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) in column 2 of this item or 1 m in any other case. The installation and performance requirements relating to rear position lamps and rear retro reflectors do not apply to any such additional lamp and reflecting device.
  • A vehicle which carries a load or equipment which projects beyond the front of the vehicle more than—


    2 m in the case of an agricultural vehicle or a vehicle carrying a fire escape; or


    1 m in the case of any other vehicle.

An additional front lamp capable of showing white light to the front and a white reflecting device, both visible from a reasonable distance, shall be fitted to the vehicle or the load in such a position that the distance between the lamp and the reflecting device, and the foremost projection of the load or equipment, does not exceed 2 m in the case mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) in column 2 of this item or 1m in any other case. The installation and performance requirements relating to front position lamps and front retro reflectors do not apply to any such additional lamp and reflecting device.
6.A vehicle which carries a load or equipment which obscures any obligatory lamp, reflector or rear marking.
  • Either—


    the obligatory lamp, reflector or rear marking shall be transferred to a position on the vehicle, load or equipment where it is not obscured; or


    an additional lamp, reflector or rear marking shall be fitted to the vehicle, load or equipment. All the installation, perfor-mance and maintenance re-quirements relating to oblig-atory lamps, reflectors or rear markings shall in either case be complied with.

(2) The circumstances referred to in paragraph (1) are—

(a)as regards item 6 in the Table, in so far as it relates to obligatory stop lamps and direction indicators, all circumstances; and

(b)as regards items 1 to 5 in the Table, and item 6 in the Table, except in so far as it relates to obligatory stop lamps and direction indicators, the time between sunset and sunrise or, except in so far as it relates to obligatory reflectors, when visibility is seriously reduced between sunrise and sunset.

Additional side marker lamps

25.—(1) Save as provided in paragraph (2), a person shall not use, or cause or permit to be used, on a road between sunset and sunrise, or in seriously reduced visibility between sunrise and sunset, any vehicle or combination of vehicles of a type specified in an item in column 2 of the Table unless each side of the vehicle or combination of vehicles is fitted with the side marker lamps specified in that item in column 3 and those lamps are kept lit.


ItemVehicle or combination of vehiclesSide marker lamps
1.A vehicle or a combination of vehicles the overall length of which (including any load) exceeds 18.3 m.
  • There shall be fitted—


    one lamp no part of the light-emitting surface of which is more than 9.15 m from the foremost part of the vehicle or vehicles (in either case inclusive of any load);


    one lamp no part of the light-emitting surface of which is more than 3.05 m from the rearmost part of the vehicle or vehicles (in either case inclusive of any load); and


    such other lamps as are required to ensure that not more than 3.05 m separates any part of the light-emitting surface of one lamp and any part of the light-emitting surface of the next lamp.

2.A combination of vehicles the overall length of which (including any load) exceeds 12.2 m but does not exceed 18.3 m and carrying a load supported by any two of the vehicles but not including a load carried by an articulated vehicle.
  • There shall be fitted—


    one lamp no part of the light-emitting surface of which is forward of, or more than 1530 mm rearward of, the rearmost part of the drawing vehicle; and


    if the supported load extends more than 9.15 m rearward of the rearmost part of the drawing vehicle, one lamp no part of the light-emitting surface of which is forward of, or more than 1530 mm rearward of, the centre of the length of the load.

(2) The requirements specified in paragraph (1) do not apply to—

(a)a combination of vehicles where any vehicle being drawn in that combination has broken down; or

(b)a vehicle (not being a combination of vehicles) having an appliance or apparatus or carrying a load of a kind specified in the Table to regulation 94(9) or in regulation 94(10) of the Construction and Use Regulations, if the conditions specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 (which provide for the special marking of projections from vehicles) of Schedule 15 to those Regulations are complied with in relation to the special appliance or apparatus or load as if the said conditions had been expressed in the said regulation 94 to apply in the case of every special appliance or apparatus or load of a kind specified in that regulation.

(3) Every side marker lamp fitted in accordance with this regulation shall comply with Part I of Schedule 9.