Amendment of the Monitoring Regulations2


Regulation 2(3) of the Monitoring Regulations is hereby revoked.


For Regulation 15(c) of the Monitoring Regulations there shall be substituted—


any reference to a promotee in a registered concern, in relation to any monitoring return prepared in respect of that concern, shall be construed as a reference to an employee who, in the period to which the prescribed information in that return about employees must relate by virtue of regulation 6(2):


moved from one situation to another within the concern;


in doing so did not fill a vacancy in the concern for which persons not already employed in the concern could apply; and


remained in the situation to which he moved for a continuous period of not less than six months or was notified in writing that he would so remain,

where, as a direct result of the move, there was an increase in remuneration (excluding expenses) to which he was entitled from the concern for the calendar year in which the move took place;