Part IIFirst Interview

Circumstances in which a first interview may be required4

Where the reporting officer for a member is of the opinion that the member’s performance is unsatisfactory, he may require the member to attend an interview (in these regulations referred to as a first interview) to discuss the member’s performance.

Arrangement of first interview5


If the reporting officer decides to require a member to attend a first interview, he shall—


send a notice in writing to the member concerned—


requiring him to attend, at a specified time and place, an interview with the reporting officer or, if the member concerned so requests but subject to paragraph (4), the countersigning officer;


stating the reasons why the interview is required; and


informing him that he may be accompanied and represented at the interview by a member of a police force selected by him; and


send a copy of the notice to the countersigning officer.


A member who receives a notice pursuant to paragraph (1) may, not later than 7 days (or such longer period as the reporting officer may permit when sending the notice in terms of paragraph (1)(a)) after the date on which the notice was sent to him, request by notice in writing to the reporting officer that the interview be conducted by the countersigning officer.


If the reporting officer receives notification in terms of paragraph (2), he shall, subject to paragraph (4), arrange for the interview to be conducted by the countersigning officer.


In any case where it is not reasonably practicable for the countersigning officer to conduct the first interview, another member of the same or higher rank may conduct the interview in his place.

Procedure at first interview6


The following provisions of this regulation shall apply to the procedure to be followed at the first interview.


The interviewing officer shall—


explain to the member concerned the reasons why the reporting officer is of the opinion that the member’s performance is unsatisfactory; and


provide him with a full opportunity of making representations in response.


If, after considering any representations made by the member concerned, the interviewing officer is satisfied that the member’s performance has been unsatisfactory, he shall—


inform the member in what respect his performance as a member is considered unsatisfactory;


warn him that he is required to improve his performance in any such respect;


inform him of any specific action which he is required to take to achieve such an improvement; and


warn him that if a sufficient improvement is not made within such period as the interviewing officer shall specify, he may be required to attend a second interview in accordance with regulation 9.


The interviewing officer may only, if he considers it appropriate, recommend that the member concerned seek assistance in relation to any matter affecting his health or welfare.


The interviewing officer may adjourn the interview to a specified later time or date if it appears to him necessary or expedient to do so.

Procedure following first interview7


The interviewing officer shall, not later than 7 days after the date of the conclusion of the first interview—


cause to be prepared a written record of the substance of the matters discussed during the interview; and


send a copy of that record to the member concerned together with a notice in writing informing him that he may submit written comments not later than 7 days after the date on which the copy is sent.


Subject to paragraph (3), the member concerned shall be entitled to submit written comments in relation to the record of the interview to the interviewing officer not later than 7 days after the date on which it was sent.


The interviewing officer may, on the application of the member concerned, extend the period specified in paragraph (2) if he is satisfied it is appropriate to do so.


The interviewing officer shall send a copy of the record of the interview, and of any written comments of the member concerned, to—


the personnel officer; and


if the interview was conducted by the reporting officer, the countersigning officer; or


if the interview was conducted by the countersigning officer, the reporting officer; or


if the interview was conducted by any other officer, to the reporting officer and the countersigning officer.