Ionising Radiations Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

Dose limitation for overexposed employees

26.—(1) Without prejudice to other requirements of these Regulations and in particular regulation 24(6), where an employee has been subjected to an overexposure paragraph (2) shall apply in relation to the employment of that employee on work with ionising radiation during the remainder of the dose limitation period commencing at the end of the personal dose assessment period in which he was subjected to the overexposure.

(2) The employer shall ensure that an employee to whom this regulation relates does not, during the remainder of the dose limitation period, receive a dose of ionising radiation greater than that proportion of any dose limit which is equal to the proportion that the remaining part of the dose limitation period bears to the whole of that period.

(3) The employer shall inform an employee who has been subjected to an overexposure of the dose limit which is applicable to that employee for the remainder of the relevant dose limitation period.

(4) In this regulation, “dose limitation period” means, as appropriate, a calendar year or the period of five consecutive calendar years.