Part IIGeneral Principles and Procedures

Notification of specified work6


This regulation shall apply to work with ionising radiation except—


work specified in Schedule 1; and


work carried on at a site licensed under section 1 of the Nuclear Installations Act 1965.


Subject to paragraphs (7) and (8) and to regulation 39(1) (which relates to transitional provisions), a radiation employer shall not for the first time carry out work with ionising radiation to which this regulation applies unless at least 28 days before commencing that work or before such shorter time as the Executive may agree, he has notified the Executive of his intention to carry out that work and has provided the Executive with the particulars specified in Schedule 2.


Where a radiation employer has notified work in accordance with paragraph (2), the Executive may, by notice in writing served on him, require that radiation employer to provide such additional particulars of that work as it may reasonably require, being any or all of the particulars specified in Schedule 3, and in such a case the radiation employer shall provide those particulars by such time as is specified in the notice or by such other time as the Executive may subsequently agree.


A notice under paragraph (3) may require the radiation employer to notify the Executive of any of the particulars specified in Schedule 3 before each occasion on which he commences work with ionising radiation.


Where a radiation employer has notified work in accordance with paragraph (2) and subsequently makes a material change in that work which would affect the particulars so notified, he shall forthwith notify the Executive of that change.


Nothing in paragraph (5) shall be taken as requiring the cessation of the work to be notified in accordance with that paragraph except where the site or any part of the site in which the work was carried on has been or is to be vacated.


Where the only work being undertaken is work referred to in regulation 3(1)(b) or (c), it shall be a sufficient compliance with paragraph (2) if the radiation employer having control of the premises where the work is carried on makes the notification required by that paragraph forthwith after the work has commenced.


In relation to work involving the care of a person to whom a radioactive medicinal product (within the meaning of the Medicines (Administration of Radioactive Substances) Regulations 197818 has been administered, it shall be sufficient compliance with paragraph (2) if the notification required by that paragraph is given as soon as is practicable before the carrying out of that work.


Where in respect of work with ionising radiation carried out prior to the coming into operation of these Regulations notification has been given to the Executive pursuant to any statutory requirement, the provisions of this regulation shall apply to such notification as if that notification had been given in accordance with paragraph (2).