Part IVEvidence and Information

Special advocates16


On receiving a certificate of confidential information under rule 15, the chairman of the panel shall inform the Attorney General of the proceedings before the panel, with a view to the Attorney General, if he thinks fit to do so, appointing a special advocate to represent the interests of the prisoner.


The function of the special advocate is to represent the interests of the prisoner, as mentioned by paragraph (1), by:—


making submissions to the panel in any hearings from which the prisoner and his representative are excluded;


cross-examining witnesses at any such hearings; and


making written submissions to the panel.


Except in accordance with paragraph (4) a special advocate may not communicate directly or indirectly with the prisoner whose interests he has been appointed to represent on any matter connected with the case before the panel.


A special advocate may seek directions from the panel authorising him to seek information in connection with the case from the prisoner whose interests he has been appointed to represent.


In paragraph (4) a reference to a prisoner whose interests he has been appointed to represent includes the representative of the prisoner.