
Part IIGeneral

General powers of the Commissioners

6.—(1) Subject to the provisions of these rules, the Commissioners may regulate their own procedure in dealing with each case as they consider appropriate.

(2) The Commissioners shall make available to the prisoner, to the Secretary of State, and to their representatives information regarding any procedures they adopt pursuant to paragraph (1).

(3) The Commissioners may deal with cases in the order they consider appropriate save that it shall so far as is practicable to do so, give priority to the consideration of cases where the person concerned is a recalled prisoner.

(4) Where a prisoner’s case has been referred to the Commissioners by the Secretary of State and the Commissioners think it necessary to interview the prisoner they may authorise one of their members to interview him, with his consent, and shall consider the report of the interview made by that member.

(5) A copy of the report of the interview prepared under paragraph (4) above shall be made available to the prisoner and the Secretary of State.