
SCHEDULE 1Information and reports for submission to the Commissioners by the Secretary of State on a reference to the Commissioners under Article 6 of the Order

Part BReports Relating to the Prisoner

1.  Any pre-trial and pre-sentence reports examined by the sentencing court and any police report on the circumstances of the offence(s).

2.  Any report on the prisoner while he was subject to a transfer direction under Article 53 of the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986.

3.  Any current reports on the prisoner’s performance and behaviour in prison, where relevant, (reports previously examined by the Commissioners need only be summarised), including any:—

(a)prison reports;

(b)record of offences against discipline;

(c)reports on any temporary release;

(d)details of, and reports on compliance with, any sentence management plan;

(e)reports on the prisoner’s health including mental health;

(f)psychology reports;

(g)assessment of the risk of re-offending and the likelihood of the prisoner being a danger to the public if released immediately; or

(h)assessment of suitability for release on licence and licence conditions.

4.  An up-to-date report prepared for the Commissioners by a Probation Officer, including any reports on the following:—

(a)details of the home address, family circumstances, and family attitudes towards the prisoner;

(b)alternative options if the offender cannot return home;

(c)the opportunity for employment on release;

(d)the local community’s attitude towards the prisoner (if known), including the attitudes and concerns of the victim(s) of the offence(s);

(e)the prisoner’s response to previous periods of supervision;

(f)the prisoner’s behaviour during any temporary release from prison during the current sentence;

(g)the prisoner’s response to discussions of the objectives of supervision where applicable;

(h)an assessment of the risk of re-offending;

(i)a programme of supervision;

(j)a recommendation for release; and

(k)recommendations regarding any special licence conditions.

5.  Any interview report prepared at the direction of the Commissioners under rule 6(4).

6.  Any other information which the Secretary of State considers relevant to the case and wishes to draw to the attention of the Commissioners.