
Regulation 2(2)(c)

SCHEDULE 1Disapplications of these Regulations

These Regulations shall not apply where—

(a)(i)the explosives carried are explosive substances in Compatibility Group G and Division 1.1 or 1.3 not exceeding 20 kilograms in quantity,

(ii)the explosives carried are explosive articles in Compatibility Group B and Division 1.1 or 1.2 not exceeding 20 kilograms in quantity,

(iii)the explosives carried are—

(aa)explosives of a type marked with an asterisk in Part II of Schedule 1, or

(bb)smokeless powder in Division 1.3 (being the explosive substance allocated on classification the UN Number 0161),

and the total quantity of all such explosives carried in the vehicle does not exceed 100 kilograms,

(iv)the explosives carried are in Division 1.4 and are—

(aa)articles in Compatibility Group B or substances in Compatibility Group G not exceeding (in either case) 300 kilograms in quantity,

(bb)articles in Compatibility Group C, D, E, F or G or substances in Compatibility Group C or D not exceeding (in either case) 500 kilograms in quantity, or

(cc)in Compatibility Group S in which case no upper limit applies, or

the explosives carried are in a quantity not exceeding 50 kilograms and are of a type other than any of those specified in any of the sub-paragraphs above; and

(b)a mixed load of explosives is carried in a single vehicle in accordance with regulation 14, and the sum of the figures calculated by reference to paragraphs (i) to (v) does not exceed 1,000—

(i)the quantity of explosives as referred to in sub-paragraph (a)(i) and (ii) multiplied by 50,

(ii)the quantity of explosives as referred to in sub-paragraph (a)(iii) multiplied by 10,

(iii)the quantity of explosives as referred to in sub-paragraph (a)(iv)(aa) multiplied by 3,

(iv)the quantity of explosives as referred to in sub-paragraph (a)(iv)(bb) multiplied by 2, and

(v)the quantity of explosives as referred to in sub-paragraph (a)(v) multiplied by 20.

Regulation 6

SCHEDULE 2Requirements for the carriage of Explosive substances and Articles in small containers

1.—(1) The carriage of EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES OR ARTICLES in small containers is permitted provided they are contained in packages.

(2) Where explosive substances of Division 1.1C, 1.1D, 1.1G, 1.3C and 1.3G and fireworks of Division 1.1G, 1.2G and 1.3G are carried in small containers, the floor of those containers shall have a non-metallic surface or covering.

Regulation 7(9)

SCHEDULE 3Suitability of Large Containers

1.  Large containers used for the carriage of explosives shall be structurally serviceable and free from unacceptable deterioration in any component.

2.  In this Schedule—

Regulation 12

SCHEDULE 4Information to be displayed on Containers and WagonsRequirements

1.—(1) Where explosives in packages or unpackaged explosive articles are being carried in a container or wagon and those explosives are such that—

(a)a label is required by regulation 6(1), (2), (3) or (4) of the 1991 Regulations to be displayed on packages containing those explosives or on unpackaged explosive articles, subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (3), a danger sign ascertained in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6 shall be affixed to or displayed on the outside of the container or wagon concerned;

(b)a label is required by regulation 6(5) and (6) of the 1991 Regulations to be displayed on packages containing those explosives or on unpackaged explosive articles, a subsidiary hazard sign ascertained in accordance with paragraphs 7 and 8 shall be affixed to or displayed on the outside of the container or wagon concerned, as follows—

(i)the danger sign on each side of the container or wagon; and

(ii)the subsidiary hazard sign, if any, adjacent to and on the same horizontal plane as each danger sign.

(2) Where explosives with different Compatibility Groups are being carried in the same container or wagon, the Compatibility Group Letters for those Groups shall not be shown on the danger sign required to be affixed to the container or wagon concerned.

(3) Where explosives with different Division numbers are being carried in the same container or wagon, the Division number amongst them which comes highest in the following list (that is 1.1 highest), 1.5, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6 and 1.4 (lowest)), shall be shown on the danger sign required to be affixed to the container or wagon concerned, except that where explosives with a Division number of 1.2 are carried together with explosives with a Division number of 1.5 the Division number of 1.1 shall be shown on the danger sign.

(4) Nothing in this Schedule shall require a danger sign for a particular classification or a subsidiary hazard sign for a particular subsidiary hazard to be displayed more than once on the side of any container or wagon.

Piggyback transport

2.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), where explosives are being carried by piggyback transport, the wagon shall display—

(a)the danger sign on each side; and

(b)the subsidiary hazard sign, if any, adjacent to and on the same horizontal plane as the danger sign.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply where the road vehicle being carried displays information concerning the explosives being carried in accordance with regulation 15 of the CER Regulations and that information is clearly visible.

3.  Each danger sign and subsidiary hazard sign required to be displayed under this Schedule shall—

(a)be in the form of a square set with its side at an angle of 45° to the vertical; and

(b)have an orange-coloured background with a black border and any figure, letter or pictograph required by the provisions of this Schedule shall be in black.

4.  Each danger sign and subsidiary hazard sign required to be displayed under this Schedule shall be clearly visible.

5.  Where explosives in Division 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 are carried in a wagon or container, there shall be displayed, in accordance with paragraph 1, danger signs which—

(a)are in the form of the following diagram (the Division number “1.2” and the Compatibility Group letter “E” are only examples);

(b)comply with the measurements in the diagram except that larger measurements, increased proportionally, may be used;

(c)have a pictograph of a bomb blast filling most of the upper half;

(d)have the Division number and Compatibility Group letter appropriate to the explosives being carried written on the lower half; and

(e)have the class number “1” written in the bottom corner below the Division Number and Compatibility Group letter.

6.  Where explosives in Division 1.4, 1.5 or 1.6 are carried in a wagon or container, there shall be displayed, in accordance with paragraph 1, danger signs which—

(a)are in the form of the following diagram (the Division number “1.4” and the Compatibility Group letter “E” are only examples);

(b)comply with the measurements in the diagram except that larger measurements, increased proportionally, may be used;

(c)have the Division number appropriate to the explosives being carried written on the upper half;

(d)have the Compatibility Group letter appropriate to the explosives being carried written on the lower half; and

(e)have the class number “1” written in the bottom corner below the Compatibility Group letter.

7.  Where explosives allocated on classification the UN Number 0018, 0019, 0076, 0077, 0143, 0224 or 0301 are carried in a wagon or container, there shall be displayed, in accordance with paragraph 1, subsidiary hazard signs which—

(a)are in the form of the following diagram; and

(b)comply with the measurements in the diagram except that larger measurements, increased proportionally, may be used.

8.  Where explosives allocated on classification the UN Number—

(a)0015, 0016 or 0303, provided that those explosives contain at least one substance which, if classified in accordance with regulation 5 of the 1996 Regulations (whether or not it is required to be so classified), would be classified as corrosive; or

(b)0018, 0019 or 0301,

(c)are carried in a vehicle or container, there shall be displayed in accordance with paragraph 1, subsidiary hazard signs which—

(d)are in the form of the following diagram; and

(e)comply with the measurements in the diagram except that larger measurements may be used in which case the measurements shall be increased proportionally.

Regulation 14

SCHEDULE 5Prohibitions on mixed loading of certain Explosives and Dangerous Goods

1.  Explosives (except those in Division 1.4 and Compatibility Group S) shall not be loaded in the same container or wagon together with any package or small container labelled as containing dangerous goods (except explosives).

2.  Explosives in Division 1.4 and Compatibility Group S shall not be loaded in the same container or wagon together with any package or small container labelled as containing—

(a)flammable solids; or

(b)organic peroxides,

and displaying the subsidiary hazard sign “liable to explosion”.

3.  In this Schedule “labelled” means required to display a danger sign or subsidiary hazard signs in accordance with the CDG CPL Regulations.

Regulation 15

SCHEDULE 6Requirements for the Loading, Stowage, and Unloading of Containers and Wagons Carrying Explosives

General requirements

1.—(1) Packages labelled as containing explosives shall be protected against damage that may be caused by other packages.

(2) Packages labelled as containing explosives shall be loaded into large containers or wagons so that they cannot shift dangerously, tip over or fall.

(3) Packages labelled as containing explosives shall not be thrown or subjected to impact.

2.—(1) Sub-paragraphs (2) to (4) of this paragraph shall only apply to large containers and wagons constructed after 31st December 1996.

(2) No metal objects shall be allowed to protrude in the interior of any large container or wagon used for the carriage of explosives, other than those metal objects which form part of the construction of the large container or wagon concerned.

(3) Explosive articles or substances in Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 or 1.6, whether or not loaded in large containers, shall only be carried in wagons which have been fitted with regulation sheet steel spark-guards.

(4) The regulation sheet steel spark-guards referred to in sub-paragraph (3) shall not be fixed directly to the floor of the wagon concerned where that floor is combustible.

(5) Where packages containing—

(a)explosive substances in Division 1.1 and Compatibility Group C, D or G;

(b)explosive substances in Division 1.3 and Compatibility Group C or G; or

(c)fireworks in Division 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 and Compatibility Group G,

are being carried in a wagon or large container, the floor of the wagon or large container concerned shall have a non-metallic surface or covering.

Regulation 3(10)

SCHEDULE 7Limits on Net Explosive content of Explosives permitted to be carried in Containers and Wagons and separation distance

Where explosives within different Divisions are carried in the same container or wagon, then, for the purpose of this Schedule, all the explosives, with the exception of those in Division 1.4, shall be deemed to be within the Division amongst them with the Division number coming highest in the following list (that is Division number 1.1 (highest), 1.5, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.6 (lowest); except that where explosives with a Division number of 1.2 are carried together with explosives with a Division number of 1.5 they shall all be deemed to be within the Division with the Division number 1.1.

Column 1Column 2Column 3
Type of explosive (Division number)Maximum net explosive content in tonnes in any group of adjacent containers or wagonsMinimum separation distance in metres between groups of containers or wagons
Any combination of 1.1, 1.3 and 1.5Aggregate of 4080
1.3 and 1.5 alone or mixed12040

Regulation 3(12)

SCHEDULE 8Permitted Mixed Loads of Explosives within different compatibility groups carried in Containers and Wagons

Regulation 3(11) shall not apply to the carriage of explosives mixed as follows—

(a)detonating fuses in Compatibility Group B (with UN Number 0106 or 0107) may be carried with explosive articles in Compatibility Groups D, E or F of which the fuses are components provided the aggregate is treated as falling in Compatibility Group F;

(b)explosive substances in Compatibility Group C or D may be carried—


(ii)with explosive articles in Compatibility Groups C, D or E provided appropriate precautions are taken against harmful physical interactions including impact or friction by exposed metal, or

(iii)with explosive articles in Compatibility Group G;

(c)explosive articles in Compatibility Groups C, D or E may be carried—


(ii)with explosives in Compatibility Group F, or

(iii)with explosive articles in Compatibility Group G;

(d)explosives in Compatibility Group N may be carried together with explosives in Compatibility Groups C, D or E;

(e)explosive articles in Compatibility Group B may be carried with explosives in Compatibility Group D provided—

(i)the explosive articles in Compatibility Group B are carried in a separate container or compartment from the explosives in Compatibility Group D; and

(ii)the explosives are carried in a container or compartment which conforms to a design approved for the time being in writing by the Health and Safety Executive or, in the case of military explosives, by the Secretary of State for Defence.