SCHEDULE 6Amendments to the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998

11.  In regulation 18—

(a)in paragraph (2), before the word “container” there shall be inserted the word “large”; and

(b)for paragraph (4), there shall be substituted the following paragraphs—

(4) A person shall not cause or permit any food, or any fodder or feeding stuffs for animals, birds or fish, to be carried in any container, tank container, tank wagon or wagon which is—

(a)being used for the carriage of packages labelled as containing toxic goods, INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCES, or any of the following goods—

(b)empty, uncleaned, having been used for the carriage of any goods or substances mentioned in sub-paragraph (a),

(5) The operator of any container or wagon which has been used for the carriage of packages labelled as containing toxic goods, INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCES or any of the following goods—

shall ensure that—

(a)after unloading it is checked for any residue of the load; and

(b)where those goods have leaked and been spilled in the container or wagon—

(i)all other goods and articles carried therein are examined for possible contamination,

(ii)the container or wagon concerned is not reused until after it has been thoroughly cleaned and, if necessary, decontaminated or, in the case of UN 3245 GENETICALLY MODIFIED MICRO-ORGANISMS or INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCES, disinfected, and

(iii)any wooden parts of the container or wagon which have come into contact with UN 3245 GENETICALLY MODIFIED MICRO-ORGANISMS or INFECTIOUS SUBSTANCES of risk group 3 or 4 are removed and burnt..