

Regulation 4(7)(d) and (16)


1.  An admission agreement with a transferee admission body, shall contain provision for the matters set out in paragraphs 2 to 15.

2.  A reference to the date of the transfer arrangement.

3.  A requirement for the transferee admission body to pay to the Committee all contributions and payments due under the Regulations.

4.  A provision whereby the transferor Scheme employer may set off against any payments due to the transferee admission body an amount equal to any overdue employer and employee contributions and other payments (and interest payable under the Regulations) due from the transferee admission body as an employing authority.

5.  A reference to the indemnity or bond in the approved form.

6.  A warranty from the transferee admission body that such an indemnity or bond is in place.

7.  A provision requiring the transferee admission body to adopt the practices and procedures relating to the operation of the Scheme set out in the Regulations and in any employer’s guide published by the Committee and provided to the transferee admission body.

8.  An undertaking from the transferee admission body to the Committee that it shall not do anything to prejudice the status of the Scheme as an exempt approved scheme within the meaning given by section 592(1) of the Taxes Act.

9.  A representation and warranty from the transferee admission body to the Committee and to the transferor Scheme employer that all the transferee admission body’s employees or class of employees who are specified as members are employed in connection with the services or assets referred to in the transfer arrangement.

10.  An undertaking from the transferee admission body that it will promptly notify the Committee and the transferor Scheme employer in writing of any material change in the terms and conditions of employment which affect entitlement to benefits under the Scheme for its employees who are members and of any terminations of employment by virtue of redundancy, in the interests of efficiency, an offence of a fraudulent character or due to grave misconduct.

11.  A requirement that the transferee admission body notifies the Committee and the transferor Scheme employer of each occasion on which it exercises discretion.

12.  A requirement that the transferee admission body notifies the Committee and the transferor Scheme employer of any matter which may affect, or is likely to affect, its participation in the Scheme and that it gives immediate notice of any actual or proposed change in its status which may give rise to a termination, including take-over, reconstruction or amalgamation, liquidation or receivership and a change in the nature of its business or constitution.

13.  A minimum period of three months' notice to terminate the admission agreement but automatic termination, as required by regulation 4(9) in the event that the transferee admission body ceases to be such a body.

14.  A right for the Committee to terminate the agreement in the event of –

(a)the insolvency, winding up or liquidation of the transferee admission body;

(b)a breach by the transferee admission body of any of its obligations under the admission agreement (but where the breach is capable of remedy only where it has not been remedied within a reasonable time);

(c)the withdrawal of approval by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue to the participation of the transferee admission body as a Scheme employer; or

(d)a failure by the transferee admission body to pay any sums due to the fund within a reasonable period after receipt of a notice from the Committee requiring it to do so.

15.  A requirement that the admission agreement in its final form shall be available for public inspection at the appropriate offices of the transferor Scheme employer and of the Committee (if different).