

Applications for renewal of consent to market

18.—(1) Where the Department has granted a consent to market genetically modified organisms under Article 8(1) of the Order, any application to renew that consent shall be made in writing to the Department –

(a)before 17th October 2006 where the consent was granted before 15th April 2003; and

(b)no later than nine months before the expiry of the consent in all other cases.

(2) The application shall contain –

(a)a copy of the consent to market the genetically modified organisms;

(b)where applicable, a report on the results of the monitoring carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulation 28(f);

(c)any other new information which has become available with regard to the risks of the product causing damage to the environment;

(d)as appropriate, a proposal for amending or adding to the conditions of the existing consent, including the conditions concerning future monitoring, and a proposal for the time limitation of the new consent.

(3) Any consent to market genetically modified organisms granted by the Department under Article 8(1) of the Order before 15th April 2003 for which no application for renewal under paragraph (1) has been received before 17th October 2006 shall be treated as having expired on that date.