Endorsement on summons

4.  There shall on the summons be endorsed information to the respondent as follows –

(a)that the application is made in accordance with these Rules;

(b)that, in accordance with the relevant enactments, the court has power to impose disqualifications as follows –

(i)where the application is under Article 10 of the Company Directors Disqualification Order, for a period of not less than 2, and up to 15, years; and

(ii)where the application is under Article 11 of that Order, for a period of up to 15 years;

(c)that the application for a disqualification order may, in accordance with these Rules, be heard and determined summarily, without further or other notice to the respondent, and that, if it is so heard and determined, the court may impose disqualification for a period of up to 5 years;

(d)that if at the hearing of the application the court, on the evidence then before it, is minded to impose, in the respondent’s case, disqualification for any period longer than 5 years, it will not make a disqualification order on that occasion but will adjourn the application to be heard (with further evidence, if any) at a later date to be notified;

(e)that the respondent must file in court the statement required by Rule 6 within the time limit imposed under that Rule (the provisions of which shall be endorsed on the summons); and

(f)that any evidence which the respondent wishes to be taken into consideration by the court must be filed in court in accordance with the time limits imposed under Rule 7 (the provisions of which shall be set out on the summons).