2003 No. 371


Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003


Coming into operation in accordance with regulation 1

The Department of the Environment, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Articles 5(3) and (4), 19C(1) and 218(1) of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 19811 and of every other power enabling it in that behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations:

Citation and commencement1

These Regulations may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 and shall come into operation –


for the purposes of regulation 2(3) on 1st September 2003;


for all other purposes, on 30th September 2003.

Amendment of the Motor Vehicle (Driving Licences) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19962


The Motor Vehicle (Driving Licences) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 19962 shall be amended in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3).


For the table in regulation 26 (vehicles suitable for test) there shall be substituted the table set out in Schedule 1.


For Schedule 7 there shall be substituted the provisions set out in Schedule 2.

Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department of the Environment on 7th August 2003.

Felix DillonA senior officer of theDepartment of the Environment


Regulation 2(2)


Column (1)

Column (2)




A motor bicycle without a sidecar having an engine with a cylinder capacity of over 120 cubic centimetres but not more than 125 cubic centimetres and capable of a speed of 100 kilometres per hour on the level.


A motor bicycle without a sidecar having an engine with a cylinder capacity of 75 cubic centimetres but not more than 120 cubic centimetres.


Any four-wheeled vehicle in category B capable of a speed of 100 kilometres per hour on the level.

B1 (invalid carriages)

An invalid carriage.


in the case of any other test.

Any vehicle in sub-category B1 capable of a speed of 60 kilometres per hour on the level.

B + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used before 30th September 2003)

A combination of a minimum test vehicle for category B and a trailer having a maximum authorised mass of 1,000 kilograms which is capable of a speed of 100 kilometres per hour on the level.

B + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used on or after 30th September 2003)

A combination of a minimum test vehicle for category B and a trailer having a maximum authorised mass of 1,000 kilograms, capable of a speed of at least 100 kilometres per hour on the level, which does not fall within category B; the cargo compartment of the trailer shall consist of a closed box body which is at least as wide and as high as the corresponding dimensions of the tractor vehicle; the closed box body may also be slightly less wide than the tractor vehicle provided that the view to the rear is only possible by use of the external rear-view mirrors of the tractor vehicle.


(In the case of a vehicle first used before 30th September 2003)

Any vehicle in sub-category Cl having a maximum authorised mass of 4,000 kilograms and capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level.


(In the case of a vehicle first used on or after 30th September 2003)

Any vehicle in sub-category C1 having a maximum authorised mass of 4,000 kilograms, with a length of at least five metres and capable of a speed of at least 80 kilometres per hour on the level; fitted with anti-lock brakes and equipped with recording equipment as defined by Regulation (EEC) No. 3821/85; The cargo compartment shall consist of a closed box body which is at least as wide and (when in position) as high as the cab.

C1 + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used before 30th September 2003)

A combination of a minimum test vehicle for sub-category Cl and a trailer having a maximum authorised mass of 2,000 kilograms, the overall length of which is 8 metres and which is capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level.

C1 + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used on or after 30th September 2003)

A combination of a minimum test vehicle for sub-category C1 and a trailer having a maximum authorised mass of 2,000 kilograms; this combination shall be at least eight metres in length and capable of a speed of at least 80 kilometres per hour on the level; the cargo compartment of the trailer shall consist of a closed box body which is at least as wide and at least as high as the corresponding dimensions of the tractor vehicle; the closed box body may also be slightly less wide than the tractor vehicle provided that the view to the rear is only possible by use of the external rear-view mirrors of the tractor vehicle.


(In the case of a vehicle first used before 30th September 2003)

Any vehicle in sub-category D1 capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level.


(In the case of a vehicle first used on or after 30th September 2003)

Any vehicle in sub-category D1 having a maximum authorised mass of 4,000 kilograms, with a minimum length of 5 metres and capable of a speed of at least 80 kilometres per hour on the level; fitted with anti-lock brakes and equipped with recording equipment as defined by Regulation (EEC) No. 3821/85.

D1 + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used before 30th September 2003)

A combination of a minimum test vehicle for sub-category D1 and a trailer having a maximum authorised mass of 1,250 kilograms which is capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level.

D1 + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used on or after 30th September 2003)

A combination of a minimum test vehicle for sub-category D1 and a trailer having a maximum authorised mass of 1,250 kilograms and capable of a speed of at least 80 kilometres per hour on the level; the cargo compartment of the trailer shall consist of a closed box body which is at least 2 metres wide and at least 2 metres high.


(In the case of a vehicle first used before 30th September 2003)

Any vehicle in category C, other than an articulated goods vehicle, having a maximum authorised mass of 10,000 kilograms and a length of 7 metres which is capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level.


(In the case of a vehicle first used on or after 30th September 2003)

Any vehicle in category C other than an articulated goods vehicle having a maximum authorised mass of 12,000 kilograms, a length of at least 8 metres, a width of at least 2.4 metres and capable of a speed of at least 80 kilometres per hour on the level; fitted with anti-lock brakes, equipped with a gearbox having at least eight forward gears and recording equipment as defined by Regulation (EEC) No. 3821/85; the cargo compartment shall consist of a closed box body which is at least as wide and at least as high as the corresponding dimensions of the cab.

C + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used before 30th September 2003)

Either –

  1. a

    an articulated goods vehicle combination having a maximum authorised mass of 18,000 kilograms and a length of 12 metres which is capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level, or

  2. b

    a combination of a minimum test vehicle for category C and a trailer having a length of 4 metres and a maximum authorised mass of 4 tonnes, which has, in aggregate, a maximum authorised mass of 18,000 kilograms and an overall length of 12 metres and which is capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level.

C + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used on or after 30th September 2003)

Either –

  1. a

    an articulated goods vehicle combination having a maximum authorised mass of 20,000 kilograms, a length of at least 14 metres and a width of at least 2.4 metres, and which is capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level, or

  2. b

    a combination of a minimum test vehicle for category C and a trailer having a length of at least 7.5 metres (each having a width of at least 2.4 metres), a maximum authorised mass of 4,000 kilograms, and which has, in aggregate, a maximum authorised mass of 20,000 kilograms and an overall length of 14 metres and which is capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level.

The relevant cargo compartment of the articulated goods vehicle combination or the trailer shall consist of a closed box body which is at least as wide and as high as the corresponding dimensions of the cab or tractor vehicle.


(In the case of a vehicle first used before 30th September 2003)

Any vehicle in category D having a length of 9 metres and capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level.


(In the case of a vehicle first used on or after 30th September 2003)

Any vehicle in category D having a length of at least 10 metres, a width of at least 2.4 metres and capable of a speed of at least 80 kilometres per hour on the level; fitted with anti-lock brakes and equipped with recording equipment as defined by Regulation (EEC) No. 3821/85.

D + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used before 30th September 2003)

A combination of a minimum test vehicle for category D and a trailer having a maximum authorised mass of 1,250 kilograms which is capable of a speed of 80 kilometres per hour on the level.

D + E

(In the case of a vehicle first used on or after 30th September 2003)

A combination of a minimum test vehicle for category D and a trailer having a maximum authorised mass of 1,250 kilograms, a width of at least 2.4 metres and capable of a speed of at least 80 kilometres per hour on the level; the cargo compartment of the trailer shall consist of a closed box body which is at least 2 metres wide and 2 metres high.


Any vehicle in category F.


Any vehicle in category G.


Any vehicle in category H.


Any vehicle in category K.


Any vehicle in category P.


Regulation 2(3)

SCHEDULE 7specified requirements for practical or unitary test

Regulation 29

PART 1practical test: categories a and p


Test candidates must satisfy the examiner as to –


their ability to –


carry out properly the activities, and


perform competently, without danger to and with due consideration for other road users, the manoeuvres

specified in paragraphs A to F in all respects in accordance with those paragraphs; and


their understanding of how to balance safely with a passenger.


In the case of a disabled driver the requirements specified in paragraph B may be carried out by oral examination.

A. Eyesight

Read in good daylight (with the aid of corrective lenses if worn) a registration mark fixed to a motor vehicle –


at a distance of 20.5 metres, in the case of a registration mark containing letters and figures 79 millimetres high and 57 millimetres wide, and


at a distance of 20 metres, in the case of a registration mark containing letters and figures 79 millimetres high and 50 millimetres wide.

B. Vehicle safety checks1


Describe how to perform a check on the condition and safety of one component of the vehicle, chosen at the discretion of the person conducting the test, from the list of components specified in paragraph (b), and conduct an actual check on the condition and safety of a second component, similarly chosen from the list.


For the purposes of paragraph (a) the list of components of the vehicle is as follows: tyres, brakes, steering, emergency stop switch (if fitted to the vehicle), chain, oil levels, lights, reflectors, direction indicators and audible warning device.

C. Preparation to drive


Adjust rear view mirrors.


Adjust crash helmet.

D. Technical control of the vehicle


Start the engine and move off smoothly (uphill and downhill as well as on the flat).


Accelerate to a suitable speed while maintaining a straight course, including during gear changes.


Adjust speed to negotiate left or right turns at junctions, possibly in restricted spaces, while maintaining control of the vehicle.


Lean over to turn.


Keep balance at various speeds.


Brake accurately to stop, if need be by performing an emergency stop.


Park the vehicle on its stand.


Remove motor bicycle from its stand and move it, without the aid of the engine, by walking alongside it.


Cause the vehicle to face in the opposite direction by driving it forward (a “U-turn”).

E. Behaviour in traffic


Observe (including the use of the rear-view mirrors) road alignment, markings, signs and potential or actual risks.


Communicate with other road users using the authorised means.


React appropriately in actual risk situations.


Comply with road traffic regulations and the instructions of the police, traffic wardens, etc.


Move off from the kerb or a parking space.


Drive with the vehicle correctly positioned on the road, adjusting speed to traffic conditions and the line of the road.


Keep the right distance between vehicles.


Change lanes.


Pass parked or stationary vehicles and obstacles.


Approach and cross junctions.


Turn right and left at junctions or to leave the carriageway.


Where the opportunity arises –


Pass oncoming vehicles, including in confined spaces.


Overtake in various situations.


Approach and cross level-crossings.


Drive in road tunnels.

F. Alighting from vehicle

Take all precautions necessary when alighting.

PART 2practical test: categories b and b + e


Test candidates must, subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, satisfy the examiner as to their ability to –


carry out properly the activities, and


perform competently, without danger to and with due consideration for other road users, the manoeuvres

specified in paragraphs A to G below in all respects in accordance with those paragraphs.


Any requirement contained in those paragraphs shall, in the case of a test for a licence authorising the driving of a motor vehicle in sub-category B1, only be complied with to the extent that it is compatible with the characteristics of the vehicle on which the test is taken.


A test candidate undertaking a test for a licence authorising the driving of a vehicle of a class included in category B + E must in addition satisfy the person conducting the test as to his ability to carry out properly the activity specified in section G but in the case of a disabled driver, this requirement may be carried out through oral questioning.


In the case of a disabled driver the requirements specified in paragraph B may be carried out by oral examination.

A. Eyesight

Read in good daylight (with the aid of corrective lenses if worn) a registration mark fixed to a motor vehicle –


in the case of a registration mark containing letters and figures 79 millimetres high and 57 millimetres wide; at a distance of 20.5 metres, and


in the case of a registration mark containing letters and figures 79 millimetres high and 50 millimetres wide at a distance of 20 metres.

B. Vehicle safety checks


In the case of a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles in category B only, describe how to perform a check on the condition and safety of one component of the vehicle, chosen at the discretion of the person conducting the test, from the list of components specified in paragraph 3, and conduct an actual check on the condition of a second component, similarly chosen from the list.


In the case of a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles in category B + E only, on 5 occasions perform (or at the discretion of the person conducting the test, show how to perform) a check on, at the discretion of the person conducting the test, either –


the condition and safety of a component of the vehicle listed in paragraph 3; or


the condition and safety of one of the following; the body of the trailer, any sheeting used in respect of a load on the trailer, the load itself, the trailer’s cabin locking (if any), its cargo doors (if any), or anything intended to secure such load; or


the condition and safety of the trailer coupling mechanism and its brake and electrical connections.


The list of components of the vehicle is as follows: tyres, steering, brakes, lights, reflectors, direction indicators and audible warning device and the liquids used in the braking system, steering system, engine or elsewhere in the vehicle as a coolant, lubricant, cleaner or otherwise.

C. Preparation to drive


Adjust the seat as necessary to obtain a correct seating position.


Adjust rear view mirrors, head restraints and seat belt.


Check that the doors are closed.

D. Technical control of the vehicle


Start the engine and move off smoothly (uphill and downhill as well as on the flat).


Accelerate to a suitable speed while maintaining a straight course, including during gear changes.


Adjust speed to negotiate left or right turns at junctions, possibly in restricted spaces, while maintaining control of the vehicle.


Brake accurately to stop, if need be by performing an emergency stop.


Either –


perform any two of the following manoeuvres –


reverse in a straight line and reverse right or left round a corner while keeping within the correct traffic lane;


turn the vehicle to face the opposite way, using forward and reverse gears;


park the vehicle and leave a parking space (parallel, oblique or right-angle) both forwards and in reverse, on the flat, uphill and downhill; or


in the case of a test authorising the driving of vehicles in category B + E only reverse in an S-shaped curve.


parking safely for loading and unloading (category B + E only).


In the case of a vehicle in category B1, without reverse gears fitted, cause the vehicle to face in the opposite direction by driving it forward (a “U-turn”).

E. Behaviour in traffic


Observe (including the use of the rear-view mirrors) road alignment, markings, signs and potential or actual risks.


Communicate with other road users using the authorised means.


React appropriately in actual risk situations.


Comply with road traffic regulations and the instructions of the police, traffic wardens, etc.


Move off from the kerb and/or a parking space.


Drive with the vehicle correctly positioned on the road, adjusting speed to traffic conditions and the line of the road.


Keep the right distance between vehicles.


Change lanes.


Pass parked or stationary vehicles and obstacles.


Approach and cross junctions.


Turn right and left at junctions or to leave the carriageway.


Where the opportunity arises –


Pass oncoming vehicles, including in confined spaces.


Overtake in various situations.


Approach and cross level-crossings.


Drive in road tunnels.

F. Alighting from vehicle

Take all precautions necessary when alighting.

G. Trailer1

Uncouple the trailer from the tractor vehicle, then park the tractor vehicle parallel to the trailer, then drive the tractor vehicle from the parked position to in front of the trailer so that the tractor vehicle and trailer can be easily coupled, and finally re-couple the tractor vehicle and trailer.

PART 3practical test: categories c and c + e


Test candidates must satisfy the examiner as to their ability to –


carry out properly the activities, and


perform competently, without danger to and with due consideration for other road users, the manoeuvres,

prescribed in paragraph 2, 3 or 4, as the case may be, in all respects in accordance with this Schedule.


In the case of candidates taking a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles of a class included in category C or C + E or in a sub-category thereof, the manoeuvres and activities mentioned in paragraph A to D and G to H below are prescribed. In the case of a disabled driver the requirements specified in paragraph A may be carried out by oral examination.


In the case of candidates taking a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles of a class included in category C or C + E or in sub-category C1 + E, but not sub-category C1, the manoeuvres and activities mentioned in paragraph E are also prescribed.


In the case of candidates taking a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles of a class included in category C + E or sub-category C1 + E, the activity mentioned in paragraph F is prescribed. In the case of a disabled driver the requirements specified in paragraph F may be carried out by oral examination.

A. Vehicle safety checks


In the case of a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles in category C and C1 only, on 5 occasions perform (or at the discretion of the person conducting the test, describe how to perform) a check on, at the discretion of the person conducting the test, either –


the condition and safety of a component of the vehicle specified in paragraph 3;


the condition and safety of one of the following; the body of the trailer, any sheeting used in respect of a load on a trailer, the load itself, the trailer’s cabin locking (if any), its cargo doors (if any), or anything intended to secure such load; or


the vehicle’s tachograph or any other part of the dashboard instrument panel.


In the case of a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles in category C + E and C1 + E only, demonstrate on one occasion, and describe on a second occasion how to perform, a check (chosen at the test conductor’s discretion) on the condition and safety of either –


a component of the vehicle or trailer (as relevant) specified in paragraph 3;


one of the following: the body of the trailer, any sheeting used in respect of a load on the trailer, the load itself, anything intended to secure such load, or the trailer’s cargo doors (if any); or


the coupling mechanism or the brake and electrical connection between the tractor vehicle and the trailer.


The list of components is as follows: tyres, steering, brakes, lights, reflectors, direction indicators, audible warning device, the power-assisted braking and steering systems, wheels, wheel nuts, mudguards, windscreen, windows and wipers, the air pressure in the braking system, air tanks for the braking system, the suspension and the liquids used in the braking system, steering system, engine or elsewhere in the vehicle as a coolant, lubricant, cleaner or otherwise.

B. Preparation to drive


Adjust the seat as necessary to obtain a correct seating position.


Adjust rear view mirrors and seat belt.


Check that the doors are closed.

C. Technical control of the vehicle


Start the engine and move off smoothly (uphill and downhill as well as on the flat).


Accelerate to a suitable speed while maintaining a straight course, including during gear changes.


Adjust speed to negotiate left or right turns at junctions, possibly in restricted spaces, while maintaining control of the vehicle.


Brake accurately to stop, if need be by performing an emergency stop.


Either –


perform any two of the following manoeuvres –


reverse in a straight line and reverse right or left round a corner while keeping within the correct traffic lane;


turn the vehicle to face the opposite way, using forward and reverse gears;


park the vehicle and leave a parking space (parallel, oblique or right-angle) both forwards and in reverse, on the flat, uphill and downhill; or


reverse in an S-shaped curve and park safely for loading and unloading at a simulated loading and unloading platform.

D. Behaviour in traffic


Observe (including the use of the rear-view mirrors) road alignment, markings, signs and potential or actual risks.


Communicate with other road users using the authorised means.


React appropriately in actual risk situations.


Comply with road traffic regulations and the instructions of the police, traffic wardens, etc.


Move off from the kerb and/or a parking space.


Drive with the vehicle correctly positioned on the road, adjusting speed to traffic conditions and the line of the road.


Keep the right distance between vehicles.


Change lanes.


Pass parked or stationary vehicles and obstacles.


Approach and cross junctions.


Turn right and left at junctions or to leave the carriageway.


Where the opportunity arises –


Pass oncoming vehicles, including in confined spaces.


Overtake in various situations.


Approach and cross level-crossings.


Drive in road tunnels.

E. Larger vehicles: speed reduction and steering


Check the power-assisted braking and steering systems.


Use the various braking systems.


Use speed reduction systems other than the brakes.


Adjust course to allow for the length of the vehicle and its overhang.

F. Trailers

Uncouple the trailer from the tractor vehicle, then park the tractor vehicle parallel to the trailer, then drive the tractor vehicle from the parked position to in front of the trailer so that the tractor vehicle and trailer can be easily coupled, and finally re-couple the tractor vehicle and trailer.

G. Vehicle safety

Show awareness of vehicle safety measures and be able to operate vehicle safety systems.

H. Alighting from vehicle

The precautions to be taken when alighting from the vehicle (categories C, C + E, C1 and C1 + E).

PART 4practical test: categories d and d + e


Test candidates must satisfy the examiner as to their ability to –


carry out properly the activities, and


perform competently, without danger to and with due consideration for other road users, the manoeuvres,

prescribed in paragraph 2, 3 or 4, as the case may be, in all respects in accordance with this Schedule.


In the case of candidates taking a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles of a class included in category D or D + E or in a sub-category thereof, the manoeuvres and activities mentioned in paragraphs A to D and G to H below are prescribed.


In the case of candidates taking a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles of a class included in category D or D + E or in sub-category D1 + E, but not category D1, the manoeuvres and activities mentioned in paragraph E are also prescribed.


In the case of candidates taking a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles of a class included in category D + E or sub-category D1 + E, the activity mentioned in paragraph F is also prescribed. In the case of a disabled driver the requirements specified in paragraph F may be carried out by oral examination.

A. Vehicle safety checks


In the case of a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles in category D only, on 5 occasions perform (or at the discretion of the person conducting the test, describe how to perform) a check on, the condition and safety of one component of the vehicle, chosen at the discretion of the person conducting the test, from the list of components specified in paragraph 3, and conduct an actual check on the condition and safety of a second component, similarly chosen from the list.


In the case of a test for a licence authorising the driving of vehicles in category D + E and D1 + E only, demonstrate on one occasion, and on a second occasion describe how to perform, a check (chosen at the discretion of the person conducting the test) on the condition and safety of either –


a component (chosen at the discretion of the person conducting the test) of the vehicle or trailer (as relevant) listed in paragraph 3.


the coupling mechanism or the brake and electrical connection between the tractor vehicle and the trailer.


The list of components is as follows: tyres, steering, brakes, lights, reflectors, direction indicators, audible warning device, the power assisted braking and steering systems, wheels, wheel nuts, mudguards, windscreen, windows and wipers, the tachograph, or other dashboard instrument, the air pressure in the braking system, air tanks for the braking system, the suspension, and the liquids used in the braking system, steering system, engine or elsewhere in the vehicle as a coolant, lubricant, cleaner or otherwise.

B. Preparation to drive


Adjust the seat as necessary to obtain a correct seating position.


Adjust rear view mirrors and seat belt.


Check that the doors are closed.

C. Technical control of the vehicle


Start the engine and move off smoothly (uphill and downhill as well as on the flat).


Accelerate to a suitable speed while maintaining a straight course, including during gear-changes.


Adjust speed to negotiate left or right turns at junctions, possibly in restricted spaces, while maintaining control of the vehicle.


Brake accurately to stop, if need be by performing an emergency stop.


Either –


perform any two of the following manoeuvres –


reverse in a straight line and reverse right or left round a corner while keeping within the correct traffic lane;


turn the vehicle to face the opposite way, using forward and reverse gears;


park the vehicle and leave a parking space (parallel, oblique or right-angle) both forwards and in reverse, on the flat, uphill and downhill; or


reverse in an S-shaped curve.


Parking to let passengers on or off the bus safely.

D. Behaviour in traffic


Observe (including the use of the rear view mirrors) road alignment, markings, signs and potential or actual risks.


Communicate with other road users using the authorised means.


React appropriately in actual risk situations.


Comply with road traffic regulations and the instruction of the police, traffic wardens, etc.


Move off from the kerb and/or a parking space.


Drive with the vehicle correctly positioned on the road, adjusting speed to traffic conditions and the line of the road.


Keep the right distance between vehicles.


Change lanes.


Pass parked or stationary vehicles and obstacles.


Approach and cross junctions.


Turn right and left at junctions or to leave the carriageway.


Where the opportunity arises –


Pass oncoming vehicles, including in confined spaces.


Overtake in various situations.


Approach and cross level-crossings.


Drive in road tunnels.

E. Larger vehicles: speed reduction and steering


Check the power-assisted braking and steering systems.


Use the various braking systems.


Use speed reduction systems other than the brakes.


Adjust course to allow for the length of the vehicle and its overhang.

F. Trailers

Uncouple the trailer from the tractor vehicle, then park the tractor vehicle parallel to the trailer, then drive the tractor vehicle from the parked position to in front of the trailer so that the tractor vehicle and trailer can be easily coupled, and finally re-couple the tractor vehicle and trailer.

G. Vehicle safety

Show awareness of vehicle safety measures and be able to operate vehicle safety systems.

H. Alighting from vehicle

Take all precautions necessary when alighting.

(This note is not part of the Regulations.)

These Regulations further amend the Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996 (the “principal Regulations”) and implement in part Article 1(2) and Annex II of Commission Directive 2000/56/EC of 14th September 2000 amending Council Directive 91/439/EEC on driving licences.

Regulation 2(2) and Schedule 1 substitute a new table into regulation 26 of the principal Regulations which varies on a category by category basis the minimum test vehicle standards for vehicles first used on or after 30th September 2003. These amendments relate, inter alia, to the speeds, dimensions, or mass, of the vehicle or combination in question. It also provides that the vehicle to be driven by a person submitting himself for a test for a licence authorising the driving of category C, D, C + E, or C1 + E vehicles (large goods vehicles and passenger-carrying vehicles each with or without a trailer) must be fitted with an anti-lock braking system and a tachograph, and that vehicles in category C or C + E must have at least eight forward gears.

Regulation 2(3) and Schedule 2 provide for the substitution of Schedule 7 to the principal Regulations and thereby alter the specified matters which may or will be tested in respect of tests for licences for vehicles in each of vehicle categories A, B, B + E, C, C + E, D, and D + E (and their respective sub-categories). The main change is the inclusion of requirements for a candidate to be able to demonstrate or describe safety checks on the vehicle in respect of which he is seeking a licence. The revised Schedule also introduces parking and positional exercises (see Part 2, section G; Part 3, section F; and Part 4, section F) in respect of the uncoupling and re-coupling of tractor vehicles and trailers.

Copies of the EC Directives referred to in this note can be obtained from TSO, 16 Arthur Street, Belfast BT1 4GD.