Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order.)

This Order implements for Northern Ireland Council Directive 2001/89/EC (O.J. No. L316, 01/12/2001, p. 5) revising Community measures for the control of classical swine fever. It revokes and replaces the Swine Fever Order (Northern Ireland) of 1926. The Order –

(a)requires any person who suspects that a pig or carcase is infected with classical swine fever (the disease) to notify the Divisional Veterinary Officer and not to move anything that might be infected with the disease off the premises pending arrival of a veterinary inspector (Article 4);

(b)requires a veterinary inspector to serve a notice imposing the requirements set out in the notice to be complied with in circumstances where he suspects the disease may exist (Article 5);

(c)permits a veterinary inspector to serve a further notice imposing additional restrictions to those required by Article 5 (Article 6);

(d)where the presence of disease is confirmed on a holding, requires a veterinary inspector to serve a notice on the occupier of the holding requiring him to ensure that the restrictions and requirements in Article 5 and any applicable requirements of Article 6 are carried out (Article 7);

(e)sets out measures which must be taken where the disease is confirmed in a slaughterhouse, knacker’s yard or on a means of transport (Article 8);

(f)sets out the action to be taken where it is suspected that the disease may have been transferred to or from the infected or suspected holding to or from another holding (Article 9);

(g)provides for the establishment of temporary control zones (Article 10);

(h)requires the Department, on confirmation of disease, to set up an infected area around the outbreak site of the disease and provides for this area to be split into a protection and a surveillance zone (Article 11);

(i)sets out the requirements for the cleansing and disinfection (Article 12);

(j)sets out the measures to be taken where the disease is suspected or confirmed in feral pigs (Articles 13 & 14);

(k)generally prohibits the use of the classical swine fever vaccine (Article 15);

(l)gives power to an inspector to take action to ensure that the requirements of this Order are carried out where any person fails to comply with those restrictions and requirements (Article 16).