Game Preservation (Special Protection for Irish Hares) Order (Northern Ireland) 2003

Statutory Rules of Northern Ireland

2003 No. 534


Game Preservation (Special Protection for Irish Hares) Order (Northern Ireland) 2003


17th December 2003

Coming into operation

19th January 2004

Whereas the Department of the Environment(1) is satisfied that it is necessary to provide special protection for Irish hares;

And whereas the Department of the Environment has caused a notice of the proposal to make an order to be published in accordance with section 7F(5) of the Game Preservation Act (Northern Ireland) 1928(2) and taken into consideration the objections duly lodged in accordance with that notice;

Now, therefore, the Department of the Environment, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by section 7C(1) and 7F(1) of the Game Preservation Act (Northern Ireland) 1928 and of every other power enabling it in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order:

Citation and commencement

1.  This Order may be cited as the Game Preservation (Special Protection for Irish Hares) Order (Northern Ireland) 2003, and shall come into operation on 19th January 2004.

Prohibition of killing, taking, selling or trading of Irish hares

2.  A person shall not kill, take, sell or purchase Irish Hares at any time during the period of 12 months beginning on 19th January 2004.

Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department of the Environment on 17th December 2003.


J. Goldring

A Senior Officer of the

Department of the Environment

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order.)

This Order prohibits a person from killing, taking, sale or purchase of Irish hares during the period outlined in Article 2.

Any person who acts in contravention of or fails to comply with any provision of the Order shall be guilty of an offence under section 7F(6) of the Game Preservation Act (Northern Ireland) 1928.