The Health and Personal Social Services (General Medical Services Contracts) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004

Removals from the list of patients accepted elsewhere as temporary residents

26.—(1) The Board shall remove from the contractor’s list of patients a patient who has been accepted as a temporary resident by another contractor or other provider of essential services (or their equivalent) where it is satisfied, after due inquiry –

(a)that the patient’s stay in the place of temporary residence has exceeded three months; and

(b)that he has not returned to his normal place of residence or any other place within the contractor’s practice area.

(2) The Board shall notify in writing of a removal under sub-paragraph (1) –

(a)the contractor; and

(b)where practicable, the patient.

(3) A notification to the patient under sub-paragraph (2)(b) shall inform him of –

(a)his entitlement to make arrangements for the provision to him of essential services (or their equivalent), including by the contractor by which he has been treated as a temporary resident; and

(b)the name and address of the Board in whose area he is resident.