Section 37(3) of the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 requires a person to serve as a police reserve trainee before he or she can be appointed as a member of the Police Service of Northern Ireland Reserve. These regulations make provision about the government, administration and conditions of service of police reserve trainees.
Regulation 2 prescribes the length of the period which police reserve trainees must serve, and the other conditions with which police trainees must comply, before they can be appointed as reserve constables.
Regulation 3 makes provision about the restrictions which are, or may be, imposed on the private lives of police reserve trainees.
Regulation 4 makes provision about certain business interests which may be prohibited for police reserve trainees.
Regulations 5 to 8 make provision about the pay and allowances of police reserve trainees.
Regulation 9 makes provision for the termination of the period of service of a police trainee.
Regulation 10 confers power on the Chief Constable to make standing orders about police reserve trainees.
Regulation 11 allows the Chief Constable to delegate his functions under the regulations.